Forty-first GOTW finished for 2023. Unless you have nostalgia for this game, I don't see how it's enjoyable. Terrible levels with a lot of stop-and-go slog. Why does a character synonymous with speed get punished so frequently for actually going fast? The music is the only good thing about this game, aside from Green Hill Zone Act 1.

Sure, the characters and story are both pretty uninteresting, and the battles can take forever with all the unnecessary title cards and entrances. However, it was just fun to play. Learning abilities through weapons actually made it interesting and worthwhile to take an otherwise uninteresting mission for the rewards, location placement gave the sense that you were building the world around you, the class system and equipment trees were fun, and the overall tactical gameplay was enjoyable. It's not a short game, and it could certainly do with some QOL changes, but I had a blast with this one!

Twenty-second GOTW finished for 2023. Really surprised by this one. Still not even sure what the story was about, but the game was very fun. More of an exploratory approach than your typical platformer, which can be real annoying when you initially miss an informant, but certainly not something I'm used to seeing from a NES game with an action hero on the front. Weapon power ups are a little limited, but it feels great to get your hands on the Power Suit and then mow enemies down. Some pop-in enemies due to the system's limitations, but nothing felt unfair or cruel in it's difficulty or placement. Bosses were mostly pretty easy, especially with the Power Suit. The music is absolutely banging and real fun for each level. Overall, pretty pleased with this one!

Third GOTM finished for August 2023. Beat with the Unworked Designs patch to avoid the usual "Working Designs increased the difficulty for no reason" problem. The gameplay itself wasn't much to call home about, as it's mostly a slippery and clunky action-platformer with a good amount of unnecessary backtracking and bad level design. Movement in the game suffers from a head-scratching move to have two-thirds of the screen behind you, and the other one-third of the screen in front of you, often leading to running into enemies and potentially being hit from off-screen (though you can turn that around in your favor with some bosses). A later level in the game makes this particularly infuriating. The bosses were interesting, but once you got a certain party member in the group they primarily handled all of them, so they didn't feel all that cleverly designed or executed. In some cases, they were downright laughable. The schlocky 90's anime dialogue, while often given through terrible voice acting, was pretty funny and honestly felt like a strength of the game. One of the regular NPCs had me chortling on multiple occasions. It's not a great game, but it does have some charm in its characters and dialogue and the gameplay is serviceable enough to package that all up as an overall fun experience.

Third GOTM finished for October 2023. This game would've been downright miserable without a guide, as the mansion is easily the most difficult monster in the game. This building was designed by a lunatic. I genuinely disliked the constant back and forth traipsing through this terrible building, but the atmosphere definitely felt like a proper horror game. Playing this in October for "spooky season" felt appropriate. The alternate control style is definitely appreciated, as are the stunning visuals and redone environments. While I think it has plenty of flaws, I can see why this defined a genre.

First GOTM finished for April 2023. Pretty standard beat 'em up in all regards, helped by the license behind it. If you've got nostalgia for the show, you'll enjoy seeing the characters and the music. Level variety was fun, looked great, but otherwise pretty standard Konami fare.

Third GOTM finished for April 2023. I have mixed emotions. The flaws are obvious; plodding character and army movement, unnecessarily convoluted and frustrating selection-within-a-selection menus and UI, and some wildly inaccurate hit percentages aren't great. However, this game just clicked with me. I enjoyed hunting for randomly-appearing Pokémon with a greater than average link percentage with certain warriors, the limited move sets that forced me to carry certain Pokémon into battle, taking the time to level links and evolve every Pokémon I came across, the theming and character/castle designs, and how it was all wrapped in a comfy isometric tactical viewpoint. This game could stand from several QOL improvements, but at the end of the day I spent over 40 hours on just the main story by choice. That says a lot about how I feel towards this game.

So, I had never played a dungeon crawler before, much less an SMT game. Decided to start here, and was completely taken by surprise. What an awesome game! It's a SNES game, so hasn't aged perfectly, but the gameplay was excellent and the difficulty enough to make it feel challenging with feeling cheap or unfair. The story wasn't anything spectacular, but was certainly good enough to keep my attention throughout the game. That last dungeon was a SLOG, but didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the game. Looking forward to continuing my journey with this series!

Eleventh GOTW finished for 2023. Relatively fun bubble-bouncing platforming game. The main bubble mechanic is unintuitive, the bosses are spongy, and with over 60 levels it can get old fast. However, I found myself mostly enjoying the gameplay and visuals, and by the end was pleased with the overall package.

First GOTM finished for January 2022. There were some neat ideas here, and it looks quite good for a 3D game from its time, but the platforming was unforgiving and the saves were pretty spaced out causing replays of some areas. The voice acting was also pretty poor (save for one well known VA). I would consider this to be a bad game, and I'm not interested in coming back.

Second GOTM finished for July 2023. Immensely charming Mario RPG that suffers from one of the most annoying endgame sequences and final boss fights I can remember. The writing is mostly funny, the animations outside of some of the enemies in the final dungeon are fantastic, the overworld and puzzle aspects were fun, and the music and sound design is great. Ending on a slogging 45-minute+ boss fight in a game that's about timing windows leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth, though.

Sixth GOTW finished for 2023. I can see why this one is considered a classic, and especially for a NES title it's got quite a lot going on in terms of platform movement and shooting, but damn is it hard! Sudden enemy pop-ins and those base levels ate my lunch. Glad to finally get this one off the backlog!

Thirty-second GOTW finished for 2023. Feels like a precursor to the Metal Slug series. Repetitive level designs, wonky movement and aiming, and no diagonals left this one really showing its age. Boss designs were pretty neat though, even if one of them looked awful similar to Contra. Ending was unexpected.

Third GOTW finished for 2022. What a game! I don't like beat-em-ups, and that came through with this one, but I had a fun time with this game. The difficulty is definitely there, so it took a couple of tries, but it's not very long. It's a wild wacky ride, going from a bmup, to a gallery shooter, to a side-shooter, and back again. Entertaining!

Nineteenth GOTW finished for 2023. Way more RPG than I thought I'd find in a NES beat 'em up. Kept me more interested than I thought. Lots of varied paths, builds, options, etc. Lots of repetitive levels, awful platforming/jumping, and hard-to-determine navigation kept this one from being a lot better, but I recognize a lot of that was probably limitations of the system. Really neat little game, but more excited to play some newer versions of this series than I would be to come back to this one.