Game is a bit too slice of life, and since the setting isn't as interesting as the first/puzzles aren't very great, it's hard to justify continuing. As pseudo-visual novels go, you could do a lot better.

Can I offer you a nice time egg in this trying time?

Pretty solid game and holds up fairly well, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think what came later as far as JRPGS go wasn't more interesting.

Improves upon 7 mechanically to an insane degree, and is great for tying up loose ends to Kiryu's story... but it's by far the weakest Yakuza since 4 besides that. The game is very strangely paced, story is unbelievably messy in part because of how sidelined Ichiban gets, and I kinda felt that the side content was generally less memorable than every other Yakuza in recent memory save for Judgment. It's a Yakuza game and therefore a lot of fun, but I genuinely cannot believe how this is the one that scored a 90 on Open Critic for how messy and undercooked a lot of it is.

The rooftop scene was already GOATed, but now it sits on a level where I'd tear up just thinking about it.

Kinda shocks me that this is lower than the other two parts of Half-Life 2 -- I found this much better paced than about 3/4ths of the base Half-Life 2, apart from the end which is more non-stop combine. I think this was more of a return to form of the level and puzzle design I loved from HL1, albeit I don't think it really reaches those highs apart from the supercharged Gravity Gun. I will admit, I was missing the crowbar for a bit there.

While a solid game overall, and the mechanics/physics are heavily improved, I feel like the level design and atmosphere are a big downgrade from the first game. There's a bit too much of a focus on gimmicks throughout the story-- one moment you might have to ride a vehicle through and overextended map, the next you might be summoning antlions to take your enemies on for you. I don't particularly like the higher focus on shooting combat or the wider levels that give you less opportunity for intricate level design, and rely more on repetitive combat encounters to extend your time than actual interesting moment to moment gameplay.

With that said, the highs are pretty high. Raveholm is a solid level, and I absolutely love the ending chapters with the supercharged gravity gun. It's overall a solid title, though likely not the first Half-Life I would look towards for a replay

Unlike the first game I feel like this actually delivers on it's concept by contextualizing the world the girl is perceiving. A solid use of 40 minutes, maybe a little longer if you get all the endings.

Feels like what I imagine a bad acid trip is like. Solid use of 20 minutes.

Probably would like this a lot more if I remembered how to play the base game -- they don't give you a great gameplay recap. Yuffie's playstyle is fun regardless, and I could see myself using her a lot in my main party for Rebirth. I do wish they toned down her personality a little, it reminds me of Megumin in Konosuba, only it doesn't really work in a more serious story.

Overall, for a few hours of content, not a bad experience

I think I like this more than the base game, which is probably mainly because you're able to much more quickly increase your damage. It's still a very undertuned system, but this makes it easier to not lose patience with the repitition. The callbacks to the old games made this a much more enjoyable experience, though I will say I did end up just switching to easy near the end because I got what it was going for and wanted to move on.

Interesting take on Pinocchio and souls-likes. It's probably the best one not from Fromsoft, although I think it is held back by its level design and some obnoxious souls tropes (bonfires far away from bosses/in awkward areas, and 2 phase bosses where the first phase is a joke and the second is the worst thing ever because of it). As a result, I really only liked the last 2 bosses.

Despite that, I enjoyed my time with it. The way you can mix and match handles and blades to give a heavy sword a faster animation for instance gives it just enough to make it stand out from Fromsoft, and I think this has good sequel potential. Hopefully with a better dodge and a slightly more forgiving parry.

The psychology of what a person becomes when seeing the world as a fleshy hellscape nightmare after an accident is interesting if extremely fucked up. You can tell this was once a hentai game though, unlike something like Fate that aspect is intrinsicly tied to the plot/not very easy to cut out completely, and in certain instances that makes going through this very uncomfortable. But then, this is an uncomfortable VN in general.

Not the most satisfying conclusion either which is probably to be expected from something so fucked up. All in all, considering how short it is I think it was worth experiencing.

"Show me the champion of liiiiiiiight!!!"

Top 3 gaming moment of 2023 for sure. It may not have the amazing gameplay of RE4, but it's serviceable which is more than I can say for the first game, and that's all it needs to be when it excels on every other level. Everything from the art direction to the story and characters feels well thought out, and I really appreciate the live action segments here. This game convinced me to buy control, hopefully I will have as much good to say about that game as I do this one. Great experience, and one of the best of 2023.

That one scene made me cry, for that alone it gets a 9/10. Game also has some of the highest quality substories, and way better characters than it had any right to have. On top of that, the gameplay is just a lot of fun. Perfect bite sized Yakuza experience just before 8

Aged much better than the first game -- on my initial playthrough 8 years ago I felt like mechanically it was a more polished version of 1 with a weaker setting, but now I honestly prefer MGS2's level design. This game does hold a special place in my heart though, one of the few games from my childhood I had vivid memories of my dad playing. I remember as a kid wondering when we'd get to play as snake again and going through the 5 stages of grief until I accepted it wasn't to be. That and the naked cartwheeling. Nowadays I think all of this (including the cartwheeling) is amazing, and top that off with the amazing portrayal of the AI colonel. Still a great game, I hope to make another playthrough much sooner than the last one (8 years is a loooong time)