Stupid companions

Companion characters that are generally considered annoying or interruptive.

Natalia constanly gets in the middle of gunfights with no sense of self preservation, almost always leading to a game over.
Navi is such an irritation to the pacing of the game, telling you stuff you already know and not telling you info that you desperately need.
Maria, much like Natalia, doesn't move out of the way of incoming attacks from you or enemies, leading to several game overs.
The resistance soldiers have led to many frustrations in traversal, where they'd not follow me and help lead me to where I need to go or by blocking me out of where I know I need to go. They don't stick around for long and you don't require them so not as bad as others but still annoying.
Alyx & Barney can have their moments, but they have much more health and are single people compared to a platoon of people body-blocking.
While not as egregious as Silent Hill 2, since she hides behind you while you're aiming, but there are still some times where you'll get a game over from Ashley's incompetence making her unreachable before you can save her or she'll not move the one time you have a clear shot. She's also notoriously whiny so add that to the pile of irritation
Sheva's (or whichever partner you have) is notoriously bad at staying alive or having tactical thinking, getting bulldozed away from you and leading to a game over.
Much like Navi, Fi also is annoying, bland and intrusive, but the game suffers less pacing wise and redeems her character by the end so its not all terrible


29 days ago

I didn't realize anyone had trouble with Maria in SH2, I thought she was pretty easy to work with (I never got a game over from her dying in any of my playthroughs)

29 days ago

(also I don't really think Navi is much of a pacebreaker at all... you can just ignore her a lot of the time if you don't want to interact with her)
@Archagent after getting her as a companion I basically instantly got a game over from her because she refused to get out of the way of my attacks, guess I just need to get good lol
@Archagent i meeeeeean, her text isn't exactly skippable, and I found Fi okay at the very least but I couldn't stand Navi's high pitched voice every few seconds

29 days ago

@KatietheSqurge idk, might've just been bad luck with Maria on your end, wouldn't call that a "get good" moment

As for Navi, a lot of her text is skippable because you have to hit the C button to hear it in the first place --unless you meant you wouldn't be able to figure out the game without it, which I don't really think is the case... but also I've played OoT a lot in my life so perhaps my familiarity is just speaking there
@Archagent I've only played OoT a couple of times, and with how long text takes to read it just felt like it slowed everything right down, I know text is faster in the 3Dmake but I haven't tried that yet so my opinions are with the original

29 days ago

Good list, although I didnt find anyone on this list that annoying except for Natalia. Control can die in hell for all I care, along with Natalia lol.
@NovaNiles fair enough, this was a subjective list anyways, I don't share the sentiment for all of these characters mentioned; they're a combination of characters I've heard people found annoying as well as my own experience.

29 days ago

@KatietheSqurge Yeah thats tottaly fair. I just think its a cool list and like to hear other peoples experience with games. good stuff.
@NovaNiles thank you :3

29 days ago

I've played both the original and the remake all the way through but (embarrassingly) I've had more experience with the remake so maybe that's where the dissonance lies. Sorry for bugging you!
@Archagent ah that's understandable, the remake is better in practically every way so I completely understand why your bias lies there

Also it's no problem, it's been cool talking to you! Having discussions based on gaming experiences is why I decided to review games and make these kind of lists! :3

29 days ago

I actually prefer the original these days! I've played the remake more because it was what I had as a kid lol, there are very few remakes I like more than originals ^_^

And yeah I'm always open to talk about games stuff! I used to do reviews on here but have since stepped down from it due to the site culture shifting in ways I didn't like :S but thank you for talking to me ^_^
@Archagent finally, a woman after my own heart, someone who prefers originals over remakes! :D

And I appreciate you taking the time to talk despite the culture shift in this site, it makes online spaces hard for us to catch a break (assuming you're talking about being trans online) so I hope you can find some peace in a good and healthy community ^w^

29 days ago

@KatietheSqurge dw, I have my own space that's safe (my discord server!) I hope you have found a safe place too!
@Archagent that's great to hear! (maybe I could join...)

29 days ago

@katiethesqurge Its in my about me if youd like to join! If you just wanna friend me I'm archagenteverlasting ^_^

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