Child hood game, loved it and stil do

A perfect end to the norse story and a beautiful finish to Kratos' character development, you feel the struggle and satisfaction of finally coming to terms with the past. The rogue style gameplay and the need for adaption and use of each weapon makes the gameplay fun and challenging. Perfect ending

An amazing sequel to its 2018 reboot that improves upon and adds to the gameplay and combat from the previous game. Once again the enviroment and graphics are beautiful and matches the ragnarok setting and depicts each realm perfectly. The story is also again very well written with each character playing there own unique part in the story with none feeling under developed or boring. A beautiful game

An amazing game that's such an incredible reboot to an iconic franchise. This game was my introduction to the god of war franchise and I absolutely loved it, an incredbile game with such impressive graphics that are beyond interesting from like a technological point of view. The story is simple but done absolutely beautifully with each character fitting perfectly with amazing acting and writing that made me genuinely interested in them even enemies like magni and modi. Little to no problems with the game except I did break my TV out of rage once so overall good game

I remember my dad setting up my playstation 2 in my room for me and me playing the shit out of this, so many good childhood memories with this game even if I never had any idea what I was doing and always getitng stuck at the exact same bit, I'd never skip the intro scene because of how much of a fucking BANGER the intor theme was like damn they didnt have to go that hard. Game of my childhood and one I really hope to play again one day.

A good game with beautiful enviroments and a pretty cool story. Everybody already knows the issues with sonic frotniers, the random pop in pieces of the world and geometry that makes no sense. In my opinion the story was far from terrible and I liked seeing the characters actually be characters instead of just stereotypes like knuckles being a strong and stupid character. The enviroment and world looked really nice and I enjoyed exploring it but it could've been improved with stuff like random geometry. The gameplay and bossfights (Excluding those fucking meta world levels) were really nice and I enjoyed creating new combos with each new move I would unlock, the boss fights are absolutely incredible and fun with only a few semi boring ones with the titans being absolutely fucking crazy with how sick they was, fighting a 50ft mech as super sonic is like the dream of any 5 year old and was amazing to play. Only a couple gltiches and annoying puzzles and collectable things that made the game annoying.

It's a game, that's it really. A unique concept that could of been executed alot better. The enviroment and design while not being terrible could've definitely been alot better, eggman in previous games was all about making an eggman land or ruling the world but to see the enviroments of the game just be destroyed city was dissapointing, I would expect it to have Eggman propaganda or image splastered everywhere with everything being completely industrialised with eggman stuff but at the most I think I only saw a few eggman posters. The story could've definitely been done better, sonic being defeated by an anomalous character with unique powers and the player being able to create a character to save the world and sonic is a really cool concept but the writing and gameplay definitely failed on doing it any justice, also there was quite a few gltiches I encountered during my playthrough. overall not the best game but could definitely eb worst.

A absolutely incredible game with incredible retro graphics that are so amazing with how fresh it makes everything feel and especially the animations. The enviroments and world are amazingly designed with a few annoying or confusing parts of levels that took a bit longer to get past but werent that bad, the enemys are very cool with some pretty sick designs and concepts, like eggmans robot squad, with each having a unique gameplay style or just a cool concept. The gameplay and combat of the game is like the classic games with mmore unique and cool features that constantly change as you go through the different world so never gets overly repetitive or boring. A couple glitches and annoying bossfights but nothing too bad, overall amazing game.

Beautiful game that has so many interesting ideas and themes, I love the enviroments and how well made and realistic they are and it really helps boost the story as you can see the androids being used and mistreated by people, the fact that even the smallest choices can impact the biggest parts of the storys (Like the dirtybomb) is truly incredible and makes the game so much more replayable. A truly unique game that makes you feel and care for each character you play as and there story. An amazingly unique and stunning game that really delves into the question of what makes something human. alive and deserving of rights and respects . Overall a beautiful game but just a few bugs like the softlock with squatting in the house with Alice that hold it back but apart from that I love this game.

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A good sequel to the previous game but with a few more flaws then before, a goodish take on the "Revenge is bad" story with alot of moral questioning but did at times feel a bit flat. The gameplay and combat was good and I enjoyed shooting people and especially the annoying ass dogs, the only thing pulling it down was the story. I didnt feel that attached to the characters and I hated the fact we couldnt choose to kill Abby because they used the very muc over used card in ththis game that is the "But they have a kid" card, I get that it's really meant to make you think about your choices but it feels overdone in this game and doesnt matter really since you dont actually get a choice. Overall decent game but couldve been better

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Definitely an improvement from the first game, improved and more fluent swinging that made traversal even more fun and made me prefer it over the fast travel option, the combat was also improved and fun especially witht he new venom powers and new finisher and gadget system. Graphics were good and the story was amazing too, really good job at capturing the struggle of a new hero especially while dealing the responsibility and powers of a new spider-man, good game with a few glitches and the game being shorter was a bit of a let down but overall good game.

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After watching the anime I was excited to play this game especially with the new update that was released and I wasn't dissapointed, loved the gameplay and combat aswell as the story and how your upgrades and choices would affect it. Ofcourse there was glitches and bugs that did softlock the game now and again but they was pretty rare usually. apart from the bugs and some crashes it was a good game and genuinely had me invested, I was also estatic to finally kill Adam Smasher

Pretty cool games with a unique playstyle that I hadn't played before, beautiful enviroments that fit the post apoccalyptic world perfectly. The writing and character development was also really nice and helped build a connection to the characters and made you interested in both of there stories. No real issues with the game apart from maybe a few glitches and that but overall good game

Pretty good game that really makes you feel like spider-man, good writing and characters with amazing gameplay and wellmade enviroments. Although some parts do feel a bit flat like the sneak missions with MJ or sometimes just the science puzzles. Overall loved the game and it was the first one I ever 100% on my ps4