Excellently moody, story-driven and hilarious game filled with unique, creative puzzles that builds on the game before it. Co-op is also hilariously fun and rewarding playing with someone else
Absolute masterpiece

An excellent multiplayer experience in a classic, Mario style whimsical adventure.

An extraordinarily unique puzzle game, bringing creative new ways to solve test chambers. Hilariously fun and often times creepy, but sadly very short

A good looking bond game but with iffy presentation of the stories that were retold. It would've worked better as full retellings of both stories had there been more time to work on it/if the devs weren't stuck making 3 versions. It looks really good for a 360 game and doesn't fall into the same pitfalls that the Wii version had. Need to complete it someday

A surprisingly enjoyable movie tie-in game, not the greatest game of all time but charming.

A classic co-op game for everyone. It ignited my love for the series and retains my top spot for being on of the best games of all time. Some levels are a bit underwhelming or extremely difficult for no reason, but it still succeeds at being hilarious and charming with infinite replayability. 10/10

By far the best Mario Kart experience of all the games, bringing forward the most beautiful graphics and best controls which are dated on the older ones. Brilliant tracks, polishing off the retro tracks and creating new and creative ones with even more coming too! Always a blast with others, whether you play a grand prix or battle mode, which has been drastically overhauled from it's predecessor.

An extremely overrated title that has the worst graphics and balancing in the series by far that I just can't get over, feeling like a more lifeless version of Double Dash. No idea why people adore this game so much

A meagre mario party that falls pretty flat and barely uses the gimmick of the console and everyone on a car defeats the point of everyone competing to win. The minigames are still the stand-out though.

A really fun tech demo that utilises the gamepad in fun ways (shocking, I know). Very fun when played with others, a bit bland when you play solo.

The best Just Dance. The best selection of songs, unbroken gameplay and satisfyingly exhausting.

2 stars is generous. While the visuals are the stand out in this game, the motion controls are horrific and unfun and every corner you turn your annoying companion explains the theory of relativity to you. As a visual novel it's fine but as a game it flops.

Another fun multiplayer Mario game, but not reaching the same heights (or depth) as 3D world. you can play the other games and not see a difference besides slight graphical improvement.

An almost perfect Mario Kart game, only missing the mark with a pathetic battle mode. Still a revolutionary title, bringing the series into HD, having the best damn soundtrack, introducing DLC and much more.

An alright but half-baked bond game, using the same graphics from GoldenEye: reloaded, being dated and over-saturated. The story isn't as strong as the films of origin or the GoldenEye remake as it was fairly rushed, fracturing them as flashbacks. The split screen is a step up from GoldenEye on Wii but the online was dead on arrival.