A lot of the first game's charm was lost for me here. The combat just wasn't as enjoyable either, and none of the music jumped out at me in the same way. I'm not really sure why this one is more widely acclaimed, maybe that's just me being weird.

An almost entirely aesthetic experience where the RPG mechanics are loose to begin with and become even more secondary by the endgame. It's massively charming for it though, with stellar art and a ridiculously solid soundtrack. It's short and it's cheap there's no reason not to try it.

I realized after trying to get back into this that I just don't like New Horizons. It's entirely built around tedium and I just don't enjoy having to make the same tools over and over, nor do I enjoy having to grind out resources to shape up my Island. For some reason whatever profile starts the game owns the island for the rest of the users too? Which wouldn't necessarily be a problem if it meant you could still contribute to the game's progression, but you can't unless you're the founding user.

ohhh i get why this series took off now

I wish I could get more of my friends to play these games

Really unique experience, look up content warnings for this though there's so much horrible shit in this game

Really looking forward to the full release of this

dude I fucking love sidestepping

I really wish the camera was less janky in this but otherwise it's a fun time. It's not even just a a forced camera angle thing, I loved that shit in Resident Evil, it just happens to be a much clunker version of that.

Fun but I expected a bit more out of it from how everyone talks about it

the meta-indie-game isn't particularly novel at this point but it's still an enjoyable game that definitely has some charm to it

very fortunate that i only ever played this once at a friend's house

accidentally figuring out the casino exploit felt crazy as a kid