The jumping is so bad in this game my thumb hurts trying to jam the A button to actually pull off a jump

If all the enemies didn't either have a small hit box or an easy projectile attack, this would be a lot more decent but every time you lose a life it's straight back to the beginning and man does that get annoying

I Gamed, I Watched, I saw Waluigi Boxing

Why did I replay this for like 5 hours straight, this game was like accidental genius I tell ya

Do you think they knew what they were doing when they had the option to have white blood color?

Wow this game is so fun! Platformer beat em, lots of fun moves and oh Buggy the Clown is like... impossible...

And he's the second boss...

This game does offer a bit of serotonin when you can actually complete a challenge but good frickin lord does it involve a lot of tediousness just trying to line up your ball with the main objective.

Novel idea, but lackluster execution.

Two classic falling blocks puzzle games I wish were just a lot better.

Dr. Mario's physics for the blocks themselves just feels kinda wrong, like there's a sense that it adds too much momentum to the direction you want to slide to and can end up over shooting where you'd like to go.

In that sense, I think this might be one of my least favorite iterations of Dr. Mario if not for all the added options like a Vs com in single player or a special mode called Flash where you try to take out only specific viruses.

Puzzle League (aka Tetris Attack) on the other hand keeps much of the appeal with A LOT of game modes making this the superior game of the two, but sadly is a lot blander than it's previous ports. With some of the most basic font choices and lack of characters bouncing around the screen while the game plays. Even Dr. Mario had this.

In all honesty, this game could have been worse, but at the same time it could of been a whole lot better. I'd recommend this just for Puzzle League and just get Dr. Mario through the NES Classics port for Dr. Mario fun


A pretty dull survival card game that loses it's appeal within minutes as there's nothing flashy or visually impressive not to mention the small screen real estate to understand what much of the cards up top are trying to convey.

The game does present itself as a dire life threatening experience and I do think the tone of the game presents it well, but that the biggest positive I got to give it.

Fun fact if lose a board you can easily just restart the level immediately from the pause menu, although why this game has lives is beyond me.

This is one of the worst puzzle games I've played like bro how do you make a port of Puzzle Bubble that's this slow and awkward.

At least this game has Mr. Catch

This legit might be the worst Mario game. Worst than Hotel Mario.

At least the graphics are good, I just wish they were in an actual Mario Party game instead of whatever this is.

After playing Flagship's first two Zelda games (The Two Oracle games) which I found very flawed but still fun, I was happy to find Minish Cap a huge improvement, now with it's own style instead of copying Link's Awakening 8 years later.

And with it comes in my opinion the best looking Zelda game in the entire series and perhaps the best looking game on the Game Boy Advance in general. The sprite art is beyond great, everything moves with such animation and fluidity. On top of it, there is just a lot of loving fan service from returning characters from previous games as well as track even going back to the original Legend of Zelda.

And the gimmick of shrinking down is a lot of fun with it's own added puzzles and a lot of nice touches, like a regular enemy becomes a straight up boss. And we get to meet the Minish, a fun race of creature that you can meet along the journey with a fun voice clip.

Sadly, a lot of Flagship's weakpoints with their Oracle games comes back in full for Minish Cap, and that's their desire to make things more annoying than necessary. Like getting around on a lillypad with the new blow gun and constantly having to press the button to keep moving, or floating around tornados in the air at the slowest speed possible. And of course the ability to make a shadow clone by charging your sword for a good few seconds and if you get hit or keep the clone in an obstacles way, the process ends and you have to do it again.

Probably my least favorite thing in this game is that it is horrified of giving you hearts. So much of the drops in this game are straight up Rupees which you'll get so much of you'll just get tired of it as you're close to dying. Super annoying.

Flaws in all Minish Cap is still a great title in the Legend of Zelda

Konami Krazy Racers struggles to even remain interesting compared to the eventually released Mario Kart: Super Circuit.

From the uninteresting tracks, to the roster of almost absolute nobodies, to the lame weapons. And unfortunately not adding to this game's favor is the dip in frame rate adding a nice layer of boring butter to the white bread of this game.

Just cause it's bland doesn't mean I'm not gonna act like this didn't make for a solid game to get when the GBA first released. It's nice and bubbly, music's okay and it has the same charm you'd get out of other kart racers for the first year.

And what I like compared to Super Circuit from a few months later is that turning actually feels solid and smooth unlike the jerky turning in Super Circuit and that the Battle Mode is free to play with CPU bots which wouldn't be a Mario Kart staple until DS so that's a plus.

Other than that I don't find much worth returning to with Krazy Racers other than if you enjoy these 2D racers in a pseudo-3D environment.

There is no reason why a GBA Fairly Odd Parents game should be this good, but somehow they made a really good run and gun if not a little samey but man you can just get sucked into this one.