Apparently having a beloved studio with extremely talented employees isn't enough. Apparently having an award winning game isn't enough. Having a succesful game isn't enough. Fuck microsoft, fuck phil spencer, fuck sarah bond, fuck matt booty, fuck the gaming industry for letting talent like this die.

To former Tango Gameworks employees, thank you for incredible contributions to the gaming industry with The Evil Within, Ghostwire Tokyo, and Hifi Rush.


save got deleted due to a glitch and ive been salty ever since, amazing game though

College Dropout: 10/10
Late Registration: 8/10
Graduation: 9/10
808s and Heartbreak: 10/10
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy: 9/10
Yeezus: 10/10
The Life of Pablo: 10/10
ye: 10/10
Kids See Ghosts: 10/10
Jesus is King: 6/10
Donda: 10/10
Vultures 1: 2/10

Hope kanye gets better so we can get kanye quest 2

I think me absolutely sucking at rhythm games really hurts this one, cause I think in a different world I'd really love Friday Night Funkin! The game has so much charm from the cutscenes to the artstyle changes, to the friggen music oh my god the music its so good. But playing the game, while fun, can feel ridiculously challenging for me. Like I tried to play the latest week and it was really good to look at and listen to, but I couldnt get past the third section without dying. I wish I could be good but I'll just have to watch it from afar instead of playing it.

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

I think this game was a bit controversial but idk I liked it?? Both sides of the gameplay could've used more fine tuning but in general I think I liked exploring the world, fighting monsters, and was invested in these characters lives enough to enjoy it (except the stalker fuck that guy fr). The presentation is great and idk while I feel like it's not perfect it definetly was a solid romp that I kinda hope gets a sequel to spiritual successor.

Honestly the desire for completing achievements killed alot of my interest in this game. Once you complete the bsee game theres tons of post game content that feels unbelievably challenging to get to it no matter how much you grind. And either way I dont wanna look up a guidebook to unlock new content. The core game is really fun and unlocking new weapons and maxing all the stats and the like is pretty cool!! I'm revisiting the game and the dlc so hopefully that issue is alleviated.

Ive been trying to write a review for this game for so long and i'll probably do it someday but for now heres how I feel


I've played alot of rougelikes, some probably better in terms of narrative, graphics, gameplay what not, but none feel as fun as Enter the Gungeon. The sheer amount of creativity and variety of the many weapons alone would make it an incredible game to play, but the bullet hell gameplay with bosses especially makes it so much fun to play. I never beat this game but every time I do its an amazing vibe exploring each room, then getting to the boss and spewing bullets and dodging bullets to that incredible soundtrack, its an exeprience unmatched. I haven't played in it in a longtime and I never beat it but this is a game well worth your time and just talking about it makes me wanna go for one more round.

When I heard that this expansion was finally coming out after 5 years of waiting I was beyond excited. 2022 felt like the year of cuphead in alot of ways yet this truly felt like the franchises final hurrah in alot of ways, and what a hurrah it was. The animation in this one goes from the 1930s rubberhose that the style is known for, to full on disney movie quality animation and its truly a joy to watch. The game also features the best bosses in the game, with music just as amazing as the main game thankfully. Ms.Chalice is an amazing addition that I am very much thankful for. Its a more accessible character while not being a straightup easily mode, with her double jump and dash parry and extra health making her better than the boys to me, though shes less capable at actually fighting. I still used her to beat the game though, and it was very much satisfying. Especially for the parry bosses that give you extra coins, I didnt know if they were gonna add runandgun stages so this was an amazing compromise, and ingeniously designed. There isn't really much to say, this is genually one of the gold standard for dlc for me. And for fucking 10 dollars this is simply a must own alongside the original that is highway robbery my god. I'm eagerly awaiting what MDHR will do next and I cant wait to see it regardless of what it'll be.

Also the final boss is genually one of the best bossfights ever made this is spoiler free but my god I cant believe it its so good

One of the few indie games thats worth the hype. This game isnt style over substance, though its absolutely dripping in style. I adore the presentation in this game, despite being hard carried by the 1930s aesthetic it really makes its own, the bombastic dialogue, the watercolor backgrounds, the radio voices, the stop motion sets, the soundtrack,omfg the soundtrack. Easily one of my most listened to video game osts, I don't even think the 1930's cartoons had jazz much they just did it because they felt like it and I'm so happy they did. Genually just incredible jazz pieces I've yet to see outside of this game including in actual jazz music. And that isn't even to mention the actual animation, which I'm so happy they didn't make a vocal point of the marketing as apposed to the charm by the way. Seriously this games animation is phenomenal, perfectly intimidating the style down to minor details, but what I love is how it manages to give each character its own personality. Every boss fight genually feels unique both attack wise and animation wise, like Calli Maria feels completely different from Captain Brimebeard which is amazing given the themeing. They just went all out on the bosses giving them their own unique flavor and making them such memorable characters even outside their fights.

Honestly though I think the gameplay of Cuphead is quite underrated. While not being the hardest runandgun, Cuphead was very much known for its difficulty when it was released, and I was right along with the internet on how hard it was. Djimmi the Great and Grim Matchstick alone made me put so many hours in this game. But I don't think I never called any fight straightup unfair or horribly design, quite the opposite really. There are so many opportunities for the player to succeed, the multiple weapons and super abilities for the player to use, the genius parry system, the dash it's all so put into the players player that by the time you beat the bosses it feels completely justified. And that isnt even to mention the runandgun stages, which while not as good as the bossfights unfortunately are still really fun and are amazing at replayability thanks to P ranking it. Actually this game is filled to the brim with repeatability actually, whether it be filters after completing achievements, hard mode bosses, the aforementioned P ranks and even coins across the map, it makes sure to squeeze every bit of extra content you can before you can say your done with the game.

There's no other way to say it, Cuphead is a masterpiece, one of the greatest examples of pure passion as a videogame while still managing to be an incredible video game first and foremost. It's charm, gameplay and presentation is unmatched when it comes to not just indie games but most triple a games all while being cheaper than them. A must play for anyone in my opinion and easily one of my favorite games of all time, Cuphead is already a classic in my eyes.

Also can we appreciate the fact that this isnt a horror game


Having played some of popcaps other games before replaying this one, this truly feels popcaps swan song. This game remains the most accessible yet rewarding tower defense game. This game constantly manages to keep throwing new ideas left and right, and it still manages to get pretty challenging at the end. Elevated by its incredible charm, and put onto goat tier due to it's endless replaybility. Seriously on top of survival mode which is already endlessly replayability on its own, the amount of minigames (some even referencesing popcap games like what) are simply astounding. Easily the studios final hurrah and one of the best tower defense games ever made. Absolute classic.

This game just oozes passion, there are so many moments where it feels like the devs loved what they were doing. The countless references, the myriad of rhythm styles that continuously get introduced, the silly and campy story that manages to be heartwarming at the end. This is all on top of the main main mechanics remaining fun, unique and satisfying throughout the entire game. There are a lot of little things that bugged me to not make me give it a perfect rating though. I would say they overclocked on the rhythm gimmick admittedly, it affects thing like the jump being the worst jump in anything ever, or objects just flying in and hurting you to the beat, or rhythm sections being way too strict, among other things. Despite all that, I'm so happy that this game exists. This In a world of AAA games trying to appeal to as many people as possible, I'm so happy Hi-Fi Rush was designed to be a cult classic.

Also Peppermint and Korsica were absolutely dating by the end of the game thanks devs

Even as someone who really loves this game and Parrapa as a franchise, I'm not sure if I'd recommend them. The rhythm sections are extremely simple by todays standards and the replayability is extremely lacking. It's a game that is entirely held up by its charm, but when the charm is just this fucking good, then its extremely worth it to me. Really wish they'd make a new one.