No matter how much I try the story just becomes white noise when the gameplay slaps this hard

Twin Peaks by way of Professor Layton, making it unironically cool.
I swear to god though that I had at least 2 puzzles where my solution was right according to the rules, but it still didn't accept it

Feels good to play, even if a bit random. Soundtrack helps eschew frustration

why the fuck did i install this

Do you want to burn things? Buy this game
Do you want a satisfying story? Don't buy this


Play this in one sitting, otherwise you'll get really confused and frustrated

Absolutely addictive and bite-sized

Nobody talks about this one, it's good


Really fucking interesting, and maybe not even in the ways the developer intended

Does not hold up. If you want to play it to understand what the trajectory of the franchise was then I can't stop you. But it's not good by today's standards

I had way more fun watching somebody else play

Fun timewaster, play it on mobile