81 Reviews liked by KiraKiraPanic

This is one of those games that has really shaped me as a person. It’s the game that got me into creating stuff and even art. There has never been a better level editor in any other game out there. The game’s main story mode is also filled with memorable stages, characters, music and bosses, but the one thing that really tied it all together was the online. Unfortunately, it’s no longer active due to severe attacks, this shutdown also happened for LBP1, Vita and the PS3 version of 3. Anyway, the online mode for this game was really something special, as levels were being published every day at every minute by some talented and not so talented people. You could earn user made items and costumes, and even play them with your friends. Even building levels on your moon can be done with the help of online friends, it was like a genuine collaborative effort.

This game really does deserve all the praise it gets, and for once, critics knew exactly what they were praising. I doubt we will ever see another game like this again, but I do believe Dreams is a very close second.

" Why do these guns have beautiful dick sucking lips " - Detchibe

This review was written before the game released

this game should be banned by an ethics committee

I can have homer simpson,kiryu and majima in the same band while also playing guitar hero 5 songs 10/10 mod

White women cause all the worlds problems

One of my favorite narrative-driven games of all time, 999 sets you in one of the most unique and bizarre "games" that have dire consequences if the wrong decisions/paths are taken. Gameplay consists of investigation and puzzle solving ranging from decent to very good.

The story and characters are top notch and going through the true ending route take the story to a whole new level.

broke: among us reference, jojo reference
woke: killer 7 reference, higurashi reference

Guys we’re okay now, Yuji Naka’s been arrested he can’t hurt us anymore

On October 30th, I broke my right arm. Doing this, unsurprisingly, left me with very few options for games for the first couple days, which was clearly the worst part as it left me considering playing Balan Wonderworld. My singular praise of the gameplay comes from that fact. Great job Balan Wonderworld, for being a game that people with an unusable hand can play. Unfortunately that’s also where a majority of this game's issues originate from. Everyone else has covered that already though, and honestly I’d much rather talk about other things. Said other things are really almost everything else, because in all honesty? I really like a lot about this game. The cutscenes are all so adorable, the game looks beautiful, the little dance numbers after every boss fight are really cute, the character and costume designs are great, everything about this game aside the game itself really is truly wonderful! Just a little experience I had were with the couple of ending cutscenes, which very surprisingly had me tearing up a bit, and really had me thinking “Y’know, maybe this was worth it.” I can only wish that actually was the case.

Bitches irl:
" I'm gay I can't drive sorry🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"
The same bitches in Ridge Racer Type 4:
" OMG I just did a 1cc hard mode run and lost to my previous record by 12 seconds my drifting accuracy is just 98% my fuel management is off by 4.6% I must improve on my times to impress the Pacman team (🥰🥰🥰) further. I must feel the heat. WHEN THE TIRES KISS THEEEEEEE STREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. "

Who are you to say what makes a game good?
Drakengard 3 is the best game of all time.
Drakengard 3 is the worst game of all time.

These are not one opinion, but two opinions from two people with opposite tastes and different experiences. The gamer's mind is capable of such feats because there is no universal truth when it comes to art or entertainment: There can be only individual truths. One person's great work might seem like utter trash in another's hands; the very same piece could satisfy both. Art has no rules for its creation nor does it follow any instructions about how to appreciate it. This applies especially to video games, where anyone can create anything they want at any given moment and players can play however they wish whenever they choose (barring regional censorship). Games can thus never fail on principle – they will always be fun if you let them.

But is Drakengard 3 supposed to be fun? Yes! It absolutely is meant to be fun! However…

It's just too much fun! And I mean that literally. Playing through this monstrosity was as physically taxing an experience as I've ever had, which isn't saying a lot since my list of hobbies includes doing hard drugs and drinking radioactive cleaning solutions straight from the bottle. That's right: Drakengard 3 is a real-life endurance test. The constant flow of intentionally bad game design and juvenile humor conspired against me in ways that few games have ever managed. Just the other day I woke up thinking about this game and immediately passed out again. That said, if you enjoy challenge then you'll find plenty here in one way or another, and if you don't know what kind of game Drakengard 3 really is then this review may be confusing.

Did You Know? Doki Doki Panic was originally called Super Mario Brothers. 2 in America

I know a guy who insists that this is the best game of all time.

It is a damn good minigame collection, I'll give it that

"Times Yuji Naka has been arrested" has exceeded "Amount of buttons in Balan Wonderworld"

I don't know why this game is Metis-repellent but it is.