81 Reviews liked by KiraKiraPanic



there's actually less sex in this than you might think, some of it is just footage of a guy sorting video tapes

there is sex, but i suppose they had to cut the sex with something, because they didn't have enough sex available to make Sex

if games like fortnite are increasingly an elaborate digital storefront that incidentally happen to have a game attached, mainstream indie games are increasingly elaborate layers of progression system that incidentally have a game attached.

come for a funny game about suplexing zombies in a mall, stay for the intense time management game where every mad dash for a survivor or for more resources has to be carefully planned and scheduled lest the truth fall into darkness

every encounter with a psychopath makes you howl in anguish ; not because you're about to be run over by a big weaponised shopping trolley, not because all you have as an answer are two fresh succulent cartons of orange juice, but because you absolutely did NOT make time for this crap in your schedule and it's all going wrong

too bad capcom did some absolute clown shit with this series, because this game is a great statement of intent and a genuinely fresh take on survival horror

akita neru changed my life when i was like 10 years old

Mods 3DS
Downloads a bunch of critically acclaimed JRPGs like Chrono Trigger and TWEWY
Downloads this because a couple lists I looked at said it was good
Keep playing this because of how fun it and the other modes are while I still haven't started the games I modded the damn thing to play



hey have you heard of MOON? ever heard of MOON? do you know what MOON is? dude you should totally play MOON!

I said "boobies" in the final round and that won me the game

I made Grodd from CW's The Flash Aggressively Shit in front of Barrack Obama. How's your day?

This is a weird read in 2019. It seems to be an argument in favor of social media oversharing and the sacrifice of privacy that comes with it. It reaches that conclusion by placing a whole lot of trust in the people in power to act in good faith. From a 2019 perspective that's almost quaint, like a nostalgic throwback to how social media used to be before it was all about SEO and disinformation.

But combine that with the fact that every communication between characters has been run through a 4chan-circa-2010 filter (f-slurs abound). It's possible that's a stylistic decision. But it seems more likely that the author just didn't understand social media at the time deeply enough to conceive of a future for it.

Not even gonna touch the teacher/student romance route. Ick.

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Indie psychological-horror adventure game based on the Touhou Project where you play as Koishi Komeji, a satori youkai who can use her 3rd eye to "grotesquify" the scenery and objects in order to read characters minds, solve light puzzles, and discover cryptic memos that discuss real-world psychology practice/history. The artstyle is this unique, inky blend of cute and morbid (the closest reference point is probably the movie "Coraline") that sells this atmosphere of a child's nightmare, where the horror comes from never feeling comfortable from what Koishi might see next; although, your enjoyment will vary with your familiarity with Touhou, as a dodgy translation and weird performance issues hamper the immersion quite a bit.

One time when I was in middle school I was talking about lollipops and I called them lollipops, and then one of my classmates was like "they're called suckers, how old are you?" and that really damaged my ego so from then on I called them suckers. then after years of watching all kinds of people call them lollipop i realized that that kid was full of shit and I shoulda beat him silly.

it doesn't have donovan in it :(