A remake that is a little too faithful.
Enemies that were buggy and/or annoying to fight in the original still are in the remake, which is pretty impressive in its own way xd
I overall liked the game, but it makes me sad to think what it could've been. Like a reimagination of the original vision for the game instead of the exact same game again but 60 FPS and pretty. Idk I just really like the world and lore of Demon's Souls and wish to see more of it, so maybe I'm just sad to play the same game again .w.

I'm not even done with the entire series and I can already see why this is considered the best.
This game rocks.

For gameplay this ass, I didn't expect the story to hit that hard ;w;

One of the most unique games I've ever played.
The gameplay is bad, but the rest like the story and soundtrack are so absurd that I cannot not love it :P

Like Dying Light was the most 7/10 game I've ever played, this game was the most 6/10 game I've ever played.
Everything about this game is good enough, but not really amazing.

Gameplay has great potential and ideas, but is really repetitive and spammy (also there is no option to disable controller vibrations, my hands still feel numb).
It achieves this feeling of being an overpowered being well, but not much more.

Story starts off interesting and builds up more and more, until the ending gives you the dumbest plottwist and pulls the rest of the story down in quality.

Visuals are fine. Although face animations are worse than some ps2 games, but it's really not a deal breaker or anything.

Overall the game is worth playing, if you think it's something you like, but far from a must-play.

(Note: I played the game emulated and if you tried to emulate this game before, you'll know that I'm a maniac for having completed it in this state. It was just barely playable, with it dropping down to 15 FPS being completely normal and happening very frequently. It was only just playable, because the game's speed wasn't tied to the framerate, which means it won't slow down with the framerate.)

The crosshair follows the recoil pattern.
Don't care about the other changes, just that.
Finally playable for me x3

Ghost of Tsushima is the prettiest game I've ever played.
No, it's not the graphically most impressive game ever, but the artstyle, scenery, colors and such are just so beautiful.
God I wish Japan was real.

Gameplay wise it's so close to being perfect for me.
When combat is designed in a way that every death feels like entirely your own fault, like the Soulsborne series (mostly) does it, I dig it.
I love that style of gameplay and GoT is soo close to it, but has some issues like glitchy attacks and attack animations at times which make parrying or dodging pretty much impossible.
The hitboxes can be funny too, like the most important boss in the game having a thrusting attack you can only dodge by... backstepping? Sidestepping gets you hit often times, like whaa?
And the biggest issue is probably the combat being to repetitive. Enemies become more tough, but not much more varied. They're still the same enemy types, just stronger.
(Bonus: The combat style for lance-type enemies is useless. I couldn't utilize it once)

Story wise I'm a little conflicted, because it is mostly predictable, but it still hit me. It still made me cry in moments. It's a simple story, but the characters felt so alive.

I can't say much more than that, I think it's worth experiencing the game yourself :>

It was pretty.. oookaaay.
Most enemies were easy, some annoying, but the bossfight was really cool in my opinion :>

Huge upgrade from the original mini campaign :O

FInally, the first GoW game that I've actually completed xd
The previous 2 games I just couldn't find much fun in, they felt too hack'n'slash, but this one does it for me.
Poggie game .w.

This game's campaign made me stop playing multiplayer-only games while adding more and more to my backlog and instead actually play the games I keep buying.
Amazing game, may we pray for a Titanfall 3 to release like ever.

This season is just not very fun. Almost all games you play against the new tank and although he isn't exactly overpowered, he is very annoying to play against and most don't know how to counter him yet. Also I thought he was fine when he was out for free trial in the previous season, why they buffed him is beyond me.

But besides Mauga, it's just a lame season. Like most have been xd

Also supports need a nerf and I'm saying that as a support main.

For the love of god, turn the H-Scenes off. It gives you the option to so use it. I have thankfully not seen them and I definitely do not plan to.

Main game okay, but the side stories you unlock are kinda funny :>
Except for the last, that one made me really really sad :c

She's soooo siiiilllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

On a serious note, she's not as annoying to play against as in Xrd, so in that regard it's an improvement x>