I love the story, characters soundtrack of this game more than in NieR Automata, but its gameplay is sadly inferior, has really grindy sidequests and getting all the endings takes too much time even though I think you should get them all - it's essential.

Oh and hard difficulty is just dumb, don't play on hard xd

It is not a perfect game, by any means.
-Having to upgrade weapons is tedious and discourages trying out new weapons.
-The absurd number of dungeons made them reuse the same bosses many many times
-The difficulty curve rises absurdly in both the snowy area and farum azula
-Too many dragon bosses lower the impact of the previous dragon bosses :(

But its positives outweigh those negatives by a lot.
The experience I had playing this game on release day is one I hold deeply in my heart. I really really like this game and heavily encourage you to give this game a try. It will absolutely kick your ass, but you will improve and beat that game :)

I really liked Arcueid's route, but disliked every other.
Ciel's route was okay.
Akiha's was weird.
Hisui's was horrible.
And Kohaku's route was kinda good.

And the H-Scenes are just wtf. I guess they have some funny lines, so I've heard at least - I skipped every H-Scene.

I didn't get to read the remake yet, but considering it doesn't have H-Scenes it is probably better to read that, although it is harder to acquire.

It's the most 7/10 game I've ever played, I feel like xd
It is a good and enjoyable game, but also has some things that pull it down a little.
Story is good, but has a one or two dumb moments.
Gameplay is fine, but the RPG elements feel off and make it less fun.
And the A.I. is braindead xd

But it has more good elements than bad elements, so I can recommend it to zombie fans .w.

This was such an emotional roller coaster ;w;

Game was... okay.
Positives would be that Athena is really cool to play and the endboss fight was actually my favorite out of any Burgerlands game .w.

It's a really fun metroidvania with a lot of love put into it, but unfortunately, it also has glaring issues too big to ignore.

(+) Beautiful art and soundtrack, interesting story and surprisingly good voice acting too.
(+) Lots of variety in skills and equipment that allow you to make a build that fit your playstyle and switching between. builds and trying out new stuff is made super easy too
(+) If you do it right you can make builds that are just downright overpowered or, like mine, even abuse the game mechanics a little.
(+) Enemy designs vary from edgy and creepy to flying pig and girl in bunnysuit. I like sillyness, so it's a positive in my book :3
(+) You can customize your character a little, which is pretty neat .w.

(-) This game barely even tried to having to look up where to go at a minimum. The ways you have to progress are so random at times, that I can't imagine anyone beating their first run without looking up a guide xd. Although they at least tried by occasionally giving you tips back at the hub.
(-) Backtracking. I like some backtracking, but this game had a bit too much for me :')
(-) The animation and camera work in cutscenes are abyssmal.
(-) Enemy placement can be a little random and sometimes just a little evil, like an enemy that will always hit you when you walk through a door, if you don't know you have to dodge beforehand >:(
(-) The backstep is useless, forgot it existed pretty quickly. Fun spamming tho .w.
(-) Dialogue don't match spoken lines sometimes :o

Still, I think it's a good game and deserves to be played. Especially metroidvania fans like myself should play it :3

Huge improvement over the first game.
The addition of an open world was enough for any 10 year-olds brain to be completely blown away, but now it's just okay I guess xd
I think this is also the Lego game that added all the improvements for the later games, like the split camera and voice acting :O

It's kinda fun :)
Try it if you like this type of game.
Also: it's not P2W and I'm confused as to where those comments are coming from :o

I completed 2 routes and stopped halfway through the third. The game is pretty fun when experimenting with command decks and becoming completely overpowered, but three times is just too much.

Additionally there are too many things I didn't like about this game.
One being the worlds feeling so empty. I just personally have trouble immersing myself into a world that is inhabited by 4 people and it ruins the experience for me :c

Then we have the story and dialogue. It's Kingdom Hearts, so I'm used to cheesyness, but this takes the cheesecake so far. And it's not made better by the voice acting being really meh. It's not the worst you've ever heard, but it's far from good.

This game made me finally question, why I am even playing through all the Kingdom Hearts games in the first place, since they are really mediocre in my honest opinion (except for maybee KH2, that one has banger gameplay). But that didn't stop me from playing through all of Yakuza, so I will see this to the end as well x3

Now THAT was a proper DLC :3c

It's okaaay.
The combat isn't very interesting and the story does have lots of charming moments, but is also very weird and awkward. Great ending though. The slot machine system is the dumbest but also funniest thing I've seen in a while.
Still, would recommend if you like Final Fantasy 7 :>

A not very spooky, but at least a charming little prologue :>

What made Pirate's Curse so fun to me was how the new abilities you gain along the way weren't just a tool to progress, but also changed your general gameplay, your movement, how quick you traversed the map and how you killed enemies. This game just doesn't do it. Except for the dash, pretty much every ability you gain is just solely to progress through certain areas.
And that's just laaaaaaaaaame.

I never really felt like I was getting stronger, more overpowered or anything. I instead got the equivalent of keys to specific doors scattered around the map instead of new abilities to play around with.

Well, that was my main gripe with the game. What I enjoyed about the game were the return to a metroidvania-style gameplay instead of whatever the hell 1/2 genie hero was and the silly new addition of cutscenes, those were really cute. And the story was an actual story in which something happened (unlike 1/2 genie hero).

Thaaat's where it ends I think, my thoughts about this game are pretty simple.
I enjoyed the game and I'm kinda sad that I'm done with the games, as I had a lot of fun with it, but the last two games show that the franchise seriously needs to go into a new direction.

I played the remaster as a kid and loved it, so I wanted to play the original, but I'm simply not having fun with it :(