This review was written before the game released

I've played way too much Overwatch in my life, probably my most played game (maybe I played Minecraft a bit more or a bit less xd) and it makes me so sad to see what Blizzard is doing to it.

I don't think I need to explain exactly what they're doing, so lemme just say that it can still be an enjoyable and fun game played with friends, but please don't put any money into it :)

Siege suffered a lack of new content for this?

How can you make a game worse than the Siege event it was based on. You literally just had to copy Left 4 Dead - like the event did. What is this?

This game's atmosphere combined with the stupidly fun moveset just hits it right on the spot for me.

Finally got around to playing it.
Super interesting game, big recommend :>

This game is a weird one for me, because its difficulty ranges from very easy to downright unfair. The puzzles are kinda similar, where some are very obvious, others are okay, I guess and I had one or two specific moments where I still don't know what exactly I did that enabled me to continue.

The controls feel tight and shooting is fun, but some enemies or areas feel so unfair because of how many fast projectiles are thrown your way that I still don't know how you're supposed to get through them without almost dying.

Exploration is also kinda weird, because the way stuff is hidden is fun to me at least, but what you find is the issue. Finding increased ammo capacity for the 20th time just doesn't feel very satisfying to me.

Overall the game builds a nice foundation, just with a few flaws, but I still recommend the game to fans of metroidvania games, like me :3

This game's campaign made me stop playing multiplayer-only games while adding more and more to my backlog and instead actually play the games I keep buying.
Amazing game, may we pray for a Titanfall 3 to release like ever.

It took me my entire life to finally complete this game xd
Game is pretty solid .w.
Though you probably shouldn't play on the hardest difficulty, because the difficulty curve is funny. It starts off hard, then becomes easier with each boss and then all of a sudden you get practically one-shot by literally anything xd

FInally, the first GoW game that I've actually completed xd
The previous 2 games I just couldn't find much fun in, they felt too hack'n'slash, but this one does it for me.
Poggie game .w.

Where's everyone going, Bingo?

A silly little metroidvania. :>
Probably the best game to start Shantae with ^-^
You will get stuck though... a lot -w-'

It took me restarting this game 3 times to finally finish it. First I lost my save file on the Wii Version, then I lost my gamecube memory card.
But finally I finished it. And I loved it >w<

I could say why, but honestly, Midna carries the entire game and I don't need to elaborate on that.

She's soooo siiiilllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

On a serious note, she's not as annoying to play against as in Xrd, so in that regard it's an improvement x>

This game kinda feels special in a way and not just because it finally achieves a stable framerate, unlike the other two games xd

Second Son does many things wrong, one of them being fucking over the story of the previous game completely. And while this does suck, it still makes its own interesting story and to be honest, the story of the previous two games weren't even that good to begin with, I think the first one's sucked even. But- the ending of inFAMOUS 2 was really cool and that being ruined is a bummer, I'll agree on that.

The story itself is a very mixed bag. On the one hand we have mostly likable characters and fun dialogue and on the other a villain who's motivation for doing all this baddie stuff not making any sense.

Then we have the karma system. It's still barebones and lame, barely affecting the story or how the characters interact. Additionally, I think that the evil route in this game doesn't make sense and doesn't fit most of the dialogue in this game, while in the good route everything fits well together. So I say that the good route is a pretty good story, the bad route is a pretty bad story.

The best part of this game I'd say is definitely the gameplay. Going around a big but not too big map and feeling overpowered while tagging some walls inbetween is more fun than I'd thought it would be. Overall, I think it's an improvement to the previous game. You traverse the map quicker and the abilities feel more satisfying and varied. The powers themselves are pretty dumb and don't fit with the previous theme of inFAMOUS, being that a conduit has some real world element as a power and not fucking video.


Anyway, the game is pretty fun and quick to complete, even got the Platinum trophy for this one, because my gf wanted me to. Silly thing .w.

It improves a lot from the previous LEGO games, buuuut I still dislike it, idk xd
Idk if it's the missing open world or the fact that I just despise most superheroes (especially DC) or that the game crashed right at the end of a mission twice now, but I don't like it .w.
If you like DC stuff, you will probably like this tho :>