It's a really fun metroidvania with a lot of love put into it, but unfortunately, it also has glaring issues too big to ignore.

(+) Beautiful art and soundtrack, interesting story and surprisingly good voice acting too.
(+) Lots of variety in skills and equipment that allow you to make a build that fit your playstyle and switching between. builds and trying out new stuff is made super easy too
(+) If you do it right you can make builds that are just downright overpowered or, like mine, even abuse the game mechanics a little.
(+) Enemy designs vary from edgy and creepy to flying pig and girl in bunnysuit. I like sillyness, so it's a positive in my book :3
(+) You can customize your character a little, which is pretty neat .w.

(-) This game barely even tried to having to look up where to go at a minimum. The ways you have to progress are so random at times, that I can't imagine anyone beating their first run without looking up a guide xd. Although they at least tried by occasionally giving you tips back at the hub.
(-) Backtracking. I like some backtracking, but this game had a bit too much for me :')
(-) The animation and camera work in cutscenes are abyssmal.
(-) Enemy placement can be a little random and sometimes just a little evil, like an enemy that will always hit you when you walk through a door, if you don't know you have to dodge beforehand >:(
(-) The backstep is useless, forgot it existed pretty quickly. Fun spamming tho .w.
(-) Dialogue don't match spoken lines sometimes :o

Still, I think it's a good game and deserves to be played. Especially metroidvania fans like myself should play it :3

Game was... okay.
Positives would be that Athena is really cool to play and the endboss fight was actually my favorite out of any Burgerlands game .w.

Just neat little extra levels, especially the last two were quite enjoyable for me .w.

For its age a really good stealth game with just a few funny design choices x)
It can be frustrating at times, but if you try to complete missions in dumb ways it can be really hilarious and quick saving helps with that too .w.

It took me my entire life to finally complete this game xd
Game is pretty solid .w.
Though you probably shouldn't play on the hardest difficulty, because the difficulty curve is funny. It starts off hard, then becomes easier with each boss and then all of a sudden you get practically one-shot by literally anything xd

This was such an emotional roller coaster ;w;

It's the most 7/10 game I've ever played, I feel like xd
It is a good and enjoyable game, but also has some things that pull it down a little.
Story is good, but has a one or two dumb moments.
Gameplay is fine, but the RPG elements feel off and make it less fun.
And the A.I. is braindead xd

But it has more good elements than bad elements, so I can recommend it to zombie fans .w.

It's okayy, besides the issues every hardcore MMO has it feels like it doesn't provide much more content than grinding :(

Code Vein is a souls-like, dress-up game directed towards people who really like comically large anime booba.

This game does some things right, but so many wrong that I don't think I can recommend playing this game, unless you are into dress-up games, because the character customization is actually pretty solid in this game. Or maybe if you have played God Eater, since it seems to be connected (I don't know, haven't played that yet). Keep in mind that I have played this game 100% solo and that this review contains a few gameplay spoilers, but no story spoilers whatsoever.

So, I'll start with the positives aspects and end with the negative ones. Here goes:

(+) Alright story. I only finished it, because I was actually interested in how it ends and it has multiple outcomes in the middle and at the end of the story, which I find really neat.

(+) Trying different builds is super easy. Since you don't invest any points into stats when leveling and instead choose your "blood code", switching build and playstyle is as easy as pressing a button. And new weapons you find usually are already upgraded, so you can try them right away (why Elden Ring couldn't do the same is mind boggling to me).

(+) The Soundtrack is surprisingly good, I really liked it.

(+) Good character customization options.

(-) The enemy variety is abysmal. From the top of my head I can think of 6 different enemies, which get slightly changed both visually and gameplay wise throughout the game. Enemies being recycled doesn't have to be a bad thing, but not bringing in completely new enemies from time to time makes it so imo.

(-) My most sincere fck you goes out to the level designer, who littered the game full with those "haha, gotcha!" moments.
You didn't look where you were going for two seconds? Woops! The ground you were on was actually instable :P
Enjoy walking all the way back x3
Additionally we have enemies surprise attacking you constantly and barely visible spike traps in the walls near the end. And my personal nemesis: the cathedral. You will spend half of your playtime just trying to figure out where the fck you're supposed to go and even if you do, it just drags on while you keep seeing the exact same assets over and over again. I will gladly do a hitless Iron Keep run in DS2 before playing through this area again >:(

(-) Build variety seemed very lame, to me at least, but to be fair I didn't really understand how you make a proper build in this game, so I can't say much to that x)

(-) Except for one boss, which I actually somewhat enjoyed despite him feeling kinda unfair at times, the boss difficulty only ranged from dumb-easy to slightly challenging.

(-) From my experience, enemies and bosses randomly change aggro without any reason, so playing a tank build and having your partner be a ranged support is not really viable. And it's just annoying in general. You think it's safe to heal and boom- boss jumped you :P

(-) Bonus: Did they have to give almost every single female character the largest chest I've ever seen in a video game, I don't want to feel like a loser playing this game xd

So, should you play this game?

Give it a try, if you..
• enjoy anime women with big tiddies (spoken in Niko Bellic's voice)
• played God Eater, maybe?
really like Soulsborne games and just need more to satisfy that itch, even if it has to be with mediocre games

Don't give it a try, if you..
• are an average soulsborne fan and are looking for more, good souls-likes

In the end, that's my opinion and if you think the gameplay looked interesting enough to you, then feel free to try it out :)
There are a good amount of fans of this game, so you might just become one of them :3

Finally got around to playing it.
Super interesting game, big recommend :>

I really need to replay this, because I just didn't really enjoy this game.
I liked it less than Fallout 3 and even 4, even though I was so excited AND I'm trans so I should automatically have a +5 enjoyment buff when playing New Vegas :o

I'm happy for the people who really like this game, but they make me feel like an insane person for hating it xd
It's not an absolutely horrible, unplayable game by any means. It does some stuff right and I did enjoy it myself somewhat - I finished it after all.

But it just does so much wrong that I can't recommend anyone to play it after Dark Souls 1. If you are new to Soulsborne I suggest you actually play this game, but after you're done with the other games.

Siege suffered a lack of new content for this?

How can you make a game worse than the Siege event it was based on. You literally just had to copy Left 4 Dead - like the event did. What is this?

I've played way too much Overwatch in my life, probably my most played game (maybe I played Minecraft a bit more or a bit less xd) and it makes me so sad to see what Blizzard is doing to it.

I don't think I need to explain exactly what they're doing, so lemme just say that it can still be an enjoyable and fun game played with friends, but please don't put any money into it :)

One of the most unique games I've ever played.
The gameplay is bad, but the rest like the story and soundtrack are so absurd that I cannot not love it :P