It took me restarting this game 3 times to finally finish it. First I lost my save file on the Wii Version, then I lost my gamecube memory card.
But finally I finished it. And I loved it >w<

I could say why, but honestly, Midna carries the entire game and I don't need to elaborate on that.

I played the remaster as a kid and loved it, so I wanted to play the original, but I'm simply not having fun with it :(

At first the game had me conflicted.
Gameplay-wise there were too many things that bothered me. I hated the swamp area as a whole, I hated the first two temples, I thought the new songs are all lame, I thought Goron-Link controls like ass, I hated how empty the Zora area felt, I hated the Stone Tower and on and on and on. Despite all that, I was still hooked.

What I realised is that, for me at least, this game doesn't excel in its main content, but in its side content. The 3 day cycle with the NPCs moving to certain places at certain times makes the game just feel so alive and unique. It's so fun to make an appointment with an NPC and then actually have them walk up to the appointed place at the appointed time in a 24 year old game.

What this game also excels in is its theme. Showing all these characters and how they deal with the feeling of dying, losing someone or their impending doom. It's something you don't expect in a Zelda game, yet it fits so perfectly.

This game is a weird combination of insane design choices in terms of gameplay, story, music - everything.

But I wouldn't want it any other way.

The 3D remake was my favorite game from my childhood and I finally got to play the original. And even if it is a downgrade in some ways, whether it's the framerate or the god-forsaken water temple, this game was still a joy to play through again and I cannot recommend it enough ^ - ^

I love Venture, but with Season 9 and 10 I finally got to the point where I just can't enjoy this game anymore. I play 2 matches and feel empty. It's been 10 seasons and the game feels the same. It feels like there's no progress being made, just a never-ending cycle of the same old gameplay I got to experience when Season 1 dropped.

How do I get the same feeling playing this game that I had during the content drought of Overwatch 1, even though there are frequent updates?
Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just natural that I don't feel like playing anymore after 1,561 hours of in-game playtime, but I still feel like it could be different. I still feel like Overwatch could be so much more, but with OW2 it feels like it became less.

I don't really get it, it discourages me from going fast, but encourages me to go stupid slowly. And even when going slowly, the level design is sometimes just evil.

I don't get Sonic :(

This game's atmosphere combined with the stupidly fun moveset just hits it right on the spot for me.

What made Pirate's Curse so fun to me was how the new abilities you gain along the way weren't just a tool to progress, but also changed your general gameplay, your movement, how quick you traversed the map and how you killed enemies. This game just doesn't do it. Except for the dash, pretty much every ability you gain is just solely to progress through certain areas.
And that's just laaaaaaaaaame.

I never really felt like I was getting stronger, more overpowered or anything. I instead got the equivalent of keys to specific doors scattered around the map instead of new abilities to play around with.

Well, that was my main gripe with the game. What I enjoyed about the game were the return to a metroidvania-style gameplay instead of whatever the hell 1/2 genie hero was and the silly new addition of cutscenes, those were really cute. And the story was an actual story in which something happened (unlike 1/2 genie hero).

Thaaat's where it ends I think, my thoughts about this game are pretty simple.
I enjoyed the game and I'm kinda sad that I'm done with the games, as I had a lot of fun with it, but the last two games show that the franchise seriously needs to go into a new direction.

This game is a weird one for me, because its difficulty ranges from very easy to downright unfair. The puzzles are kinda similar, where some are very obvious, others are okay, I guess and I had one or two specific moments where I still don't know what exactly I did that enabled me to continue.

The controls feel tight and shooting is fun, but some enemies or areas feel so unfair because of how many fast projectiles are thrown your way that I still don't know how you're supposed to get through them without almost dying.

Exploration is also kinda weird, because the way stuff is hidden is fun to me at least, but what you find is the issue. Finding increased ammo capacity for the 20th time just doesn't feel very satisfying to me.

Overall the game builds a nice foundation, just with a few flaws, but I still recommend the game to fans of metroidvania games, like me :3

It's okaaaaaaaayy, but really a bummer compared to Pirate's Curse :(
It ruined a certain character's entire arc, the story was really lame and the dialogue felt so distant from the story it was trying to tell.
And the backtracking in this game is the lamest in the series so far too, there's just sooo few areas to explore.
At least the music bangs X3
And the new transformations are kinda neat as well :>

I can still recommend it to people who like Shantae, but not as an entry point :o

I'm not even done with the entire series and I can already see why this is considered the best.
This game rocks.

A silly little metroidvania. :>
Probably the best game to start Shantae with ^-^
You will get stuck though... a lot -w-'

Since I liked Signalis so much I wanted to play through the franchise it was heavily inspired by :3

I'm amazed that a game that old with dialogue and voice acting that awkward could scare me this much. The atmosphere in this game really is something else and I felt so uneasy so many times. Oddly enough, no area scared me more than the school (I also took the longest there because of that fact).

It got its fair amount of issues, like the gameplay probably feeling too dated for most people (although I blame the framerate more than the actual gameplay mechanics), voice acting being really rough most of the time and the puzzles can be really cryptic. But despite all of these things I still think this is a must play for sillies like me who love survival horror games :3

It's a very unique game in my opinion and I think you get used to the controls fairly quickly, so go play it! :>

Enjoy your vacation in Silent Hill

My Results Screen

I love Celeste so much, so you can imagine how excited I was seeing this silly little game ^-^
It's soooo charming and cuuuute, the music made with the Mario 64 soundfont, the game having the same shitty, completely unreliable camera as SM64 - I love everything about it >w<

Also Madeline is gay confirmed, now she is truly like me fr x3c