86 Reviews liked by Kneevirus

I tried extremely hard to want to like this game now, but I just don't anymore.
Filled to the brim with constant annoyances that feel almost intentionally there just to piss you with its archaic design.

It was also released unfinished in the guise of it being a live service when in reality its just adding up to the amount of content previous games had at launch.

There's just so much wrong with this game that I feel like I'm gonna tear my hair off just ranting about it.

It's overall good with it's visuals and everything else it offers, but it lacks what previous games offered. One main problem is villager interaction, and instead of focusing on feeling like you're in a small community it instead feels like a big little dollhouse for you to mess with.

Packed full of content and an overall great time. A bit slow and the difficulty spikes a lot in the post-game, but in terms of world-building and stuff to do, it remains unbeaten.

The music? Eh
The post-game? WHACK
The difficulty? WHACK
The characters? WHACK
The story? WHACK
The world design? WHACK
The designs? TIGHT AS FUCK

Feels like a watered-down Emerald

Where the hell is the battle frontier??? Not a bad remake though, but there is some bad changes...

Imagine thinking Sinnoh is the worst region in a series that has Kalos and Galar

A game with a beautiful message, theme, and story marred by subpar pacing and clunky combat.
I won't lie the first few months of this game are a chore to get through, coupled with the lack of full party control I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping this game. Get through those rough introduction months and absurd RPG mechanics and you will find a game with a golden heart and captivating story, cast, and a message that really puts a lot of things in life into perspective.

every single person i know has like 439088574057439827534089754329758 hours in this game. but i just don't get it

I used to play this during Morrowind loading screens.

oh jesus fuck yeah the gameplay is better but how did the writing GET EVEN WORSE

This game is more of a life simulator than a relaxing experience game.

In comparison to games like new leaf, it feels much more competitive and busy for an AC game, that sometimes can tire me during play due to how long it takes to do stuff due to its inefficient UI and game design. the game looks prettier, and has a lot of things and activities that encourage players to play and return to, but it still lacks a lot of its prequels' charm - most notably, the indifferent characters and slightly cheesy dialogue that fills the game.

The online interaction is a good and fun idea to explore, but feels a bit disappointing that it prevents from players to interact or play on the same island together


The pinnacle of Pokémon. I hope the series reaches this height again, as I know it's capable.