I killed a mourning wood with my golden shower then went fishing with my master bait.


Everyone in the world owns this game since it came free with the xbox.

I had to take pain relief after playing this because my head hurt so much.

DON'T PLAY "Look This Way, Baby" ON THE FAMILY TV!!!

Me and 5 others played this children's game together and with our collective brainpower, we still managed to get stuck and not know what to do...not our proudest moment.


The first game I ever owned.

Good speed sections but the werehog levels make me want to eat dry wall.

This review was written before the game released

There is something wrong with me because this game is bad but I keep playing it anyway.

Start game, go underwater, hear scary sound, shut down game, repeat.

Big the cat has such a way with words 😍😍😍

It's fun but my caveman ancestors could use a keyboard and mouse better than the random teammates you get.

A game where only intellectuals understand the deep philosophical meaning of the gameplay. Truly a work of art.

Mr.Beast wearing an among us crewmate on his back blew my head off with an optimus prime canon and then hit the griddy on my corpse.