Me and 5 others played this children's game together and with our collective brainpower, we still managed to get stuck and not know what to do...not our proudest moment.

Was gonna skip this but it was free on gamepass and honestly I'm having a lot more fun than I thought I would. The main appeal to me is the exploring and creatures which there is a nice variety of where it feels like I'm always encountering something new. I'm less fond of the building and resource-gathering elements which I don't find very fun luckily there is a nice amount of automation involving the pals you can catch which makes it a lot more tolerable. The game can be janky and buggy sometimes nothing game-breaking yet for me though and more along the humorous line with stuff like pals launching into the air and crappy ai. The performance for me is fine for the most part with pretty stable smooth fps the main problem being sudden crashes which I'm hoping get fixed. There are not really any new ideas in palworld but I wasn't really expecting that in the first place from a game where most of the pals look like dollar-store versions of certain pokemon but for what it is I'm having a good time with friends and it's more enjoyable than ark so it has got that too.

Really good game although it has that unfair sort of difficulty where you have to have the ability to see the future if you don't want to die over and over sometimes making it frustrating.

Way better than I thought it would be and it's free!

"Really makes you feel like 2 Spider-Men" - IGN probably

I like how videogames let you do things you could never do in real life like fight dragons, cast magic spells and talk to women.

"The End - Chapter 2 Finale (Full In-game Event Video)" at 5:21

minus half a star because no sex minigame.

Streamed it to a friend and they got so scared they cried.

Had to check what day it was because of how long the final boss took.

Mr.Beast wearing an among us crewmate on his back blew my head off with an optimus prime canon and then hit the griddy on my corpse.

Jumbo Josh is so attractive.

I killed a mourning wood with my golden shower then went fishing with my master bait.

A game where only intellectuals understand the deep philosophical meaning of the gameplay. Truly a work of art.