The game is creative and has cool elementals but unfortunately they don't fit that well in the sonic gameplay formula.

Not a bad puzzle game especially for one that was never officially released.

Hard but in the worst way possible. Awful gimmicks like the hang glider and a million of tube puzzles as well as bad level design make this game unplayable.

Sonic 2 is a great improvement on the previous installment with more levels better level design and a simple but effective story.

The soundtrack was awful and the game had very little reason to even be a Sonic game, also the puzzle game itself is pretty mediocre.

It was a good effort for translating the 16 Bit game onto a smaller cartridge epically under the time constraints however their is difficulty spikes that make the game less fun.

If you play it for a while it actually becomes a little addicting.

A pretty good start to an amazing franchise! If only Labyrinth Zone didn't exist.

Got to a space level with weird gravity and gave up.

It definitely feels like a cheep early 2000s pc game that I'm playing on my Wii.

The story was terrible and the game play was good, extremely disappointing.

It tries to port the console game on a weaker hardware but falls very very short.

This game needs a sequel badly, I spent 26 hours 100% this game and I do it again. Rockstar I don't care about GTA 6 give me Bully 2.

What's the most important part of a game well being able to play it, and this game refuses to be played thanks EA