50 reviews liked by Kyled8042

A really fun, whimsically charming platformer that's pretty much unlike anything else on the market right now.

It's got some jank to it and isn't perfect by any means, but it's the sort of game I love, an early 2000s-styled weird Japanese platformer, the type of which sadly doesn't get made nowadays.

The art and designs are great, and the game just oozes charm, arguably my favorite release this year on just sheer whimsy and charm alone. I had a blast with this game.

the curse that has plagued me since high school has lifted...
i am finally free...

Established the formula for the series and is decent fun but would be vastly improved upon in later entries

Linear 2D Mario perfected. Elder god tier, especially on the SNES

2D nonlinear Mario perfected

My favorite 3D Mario game. Inspires such awe and adventure in me. Fantastic soundtrack and worlds to explore. Elder god tier

2D platforming perfected. Arguably better than Super Mario World. One of the best final bosses ever.

I adore this game and it has a ton of unique ideas that laid the groundwork for the rest of the SoulsBorne Dies Twice series. Some of my favorite bosses and events are from this game! Its got a lot of rough edges but its totally worth the playthrough

Words cannot express how much I adore this game. I've put around 700 combined hours between my ps3 vanilla version, my PC PTDE version, and my PS4 and Switch Remastered versions. Eldest of Elder God tier games. The best game ever? Probably.