713 Reviews liked by LJ_90

Cada vez com mais certeza que o único rogue like que gosto é Hades

The war between roblox and minecraft. circles VS cubes.

I thought I would provide a little distraction to my kids on this nice Sunday morning. Something that isn’t Tik Tok sounds great to me anyday.

They enjoyed the nice chill Nintendo music and visuals. I thought the platforming of this platform game was.. enough? It’s not dog water, just kinda eh.

I usually like to avoid reviews to keep a fresh take on the game. After a few levels, I came on here and accidentally read one. Curious I read another, which they made me YEET the game into the shadow realm. Having to get ALL of the Toad collectibles to finish the game is a fat no from me. Bye bye, I’ll move on.

I literally just found out about this 10 minutes ago and got 9/9 on my first game. I've realized now the real goal of this game is to pick Pokémon that apply to each category but to pick ones you think the least amount of people playing have picked. The lower the percentages your picks are, the lower your uniqueness rank is by the end (it's like golf) and I think that aspect can be really fun. At the same time, people might have the same idea and a seemingly forgettable Pokémon might be picked by a lot of people. Either way, this is very fun and I can see myself playing it everyday for a while.

Edit: Honestly only played this for a week and forgot about it, still a fun time tho

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a fresh restart for this iconic franchise. After many years in limbo, Ubisoft has brought back the franchise, completely changing the gameplay. Lost Crown is a metroidvania, featuring an open 2D world where you need to learn new abilities to explore certain areas.

The gameplay is very well polished. The world exploration is truly engaging, and the abilities are perfect for both exploration and combat. While the combat against regular enemies is okay, the boss battles are amazing.

The boss fights are the best part of the game. They are complex and vary greatly from each other. You'll face challenging moments to defeat them, but you'll be able to succeed after some tries and learning their movements.

The story is just okay, but compared to other metroidvanias, it stands out as one of the best. The characters are really charismatic.

The graphics are good but nothing special; however, it's still one of the best-looking metroidvania games so far.

During my gameplay, I encountered some minor bugs that required restarting the game. They weren't serious but were annoying because of another downside: the load times. I played the Nintendo Switch version, which has slow loading times, especially when you die.

Despite being a small-budget game, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is the best Ubisoft game since Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. It's a wonderful surprise that I highly recommend, especially if you like metroidvania or 2D action games.

For the first time in color, people could see Kirby defeating classic enemies with tunes that make me happy in any moment (i realy can´t stop smile while hearing any kirby song), Graphics are colorful, Copy Abilities are cool. Isn´t the best kirby game but is an kirby game so 4 stars.

An wonderfull video game and one of the best off the mario series on my opnion, the post game after the special world is an cool idea, intruduced yoshis,has an amazing world and deserve 5 stars.

It's hard to make a review for Bowser's Fury. It's a great game and one of the best Mario games ever made but there are somethings that don't let me give 5 stars to this game.

The first thing I have to say is how you can play. The only way you can play this game is buying Mario 3D World for Nintendo Switch. If you already played this game on Wii U, don't wast your money. Bowser's Fury is really great but it doesn't make sense pay u$60 just for it.

The second thing is the time of gameplay. The game is really short. It's so sad because it's really fun.

I hope we see a new Mario game like this one in the future but with everything we deserve.

I see why people have mixed feeling about this game. It's inexcusable how CD Projekt Red realeaseded Cyberpunk after so many hype on the community but now we can finally have what we deserve.

The game is not expetacular as everyone was expecting but it's really good. I'm not a huge fans of FPS but I see why they decided for it here.

We have a good plot and a fun gameplay. The first hours are really fun. I liked the caracthers and how my romantic relationship gave the oportunity to finish the game with a different quest.

Give it a chance now!

I always wanted to play this game since he was released on PlayStation Plus. I had the opportunity when Microsoft added to Gamepass.

Just after few hours I could see how this game is boring. You need to do just one thing: catch a bug to give to a NPC.


The game had everything to be special but the combat is terrible. The combat is so bad that I abandoned the game just a few hours from the start. The story started so bad that I can’t see how it could interesting during the game. Don’t wast your time.

It's a new era for Pokemon!
You can see so many different things from previous games.
Everything new are good and necessary for the next games.
Capture Pokemon was never so fun. I enjoyed the Pokemon League was not part of its story.
The only bad thing is the graphics. It's probably one of the worst game on Switch. That's the only reason that I don't give 5 stars for the game.

I had the N64 system when I was a chield but never had the opportunity to play Paper Mario.
When they added to the Nintendo Switch Online, I started my gameplay.
It's unbelievable! It doesn't look as retro game.
If it wasn't for the 4:3 format, you could say it's a modern game.
The game is so beautiful and the gameplay is really fun.
The best story that you could expect for a Mario game.

I saw a lot of people on internet complaining about nothing new in this game. Ninja turtles never wanted to be a new direction for beat n up games. Ninja Turtles wanted to celebrate their back history in SNES and do something fun. I can say they achieved their goal. Good game!

A must play. It’s impossible to point something that would make the game better but it’s not for everybody.