I have played pretty much all the Fromsoftware games, and this is the one I most regularly come back to, not because it's the best or even stellar, but because of its build diversity and out of this world fashion souls. Disregard the naysayers and give it a go, but if you do so, avoid the garbage PS4/Xbox One port. It ruins dodging and changes up enemy placement to a perplexing degree. The PS3/Xbox 360 versions are the way to go because they're just the launch version with the DLC included.

When compared to the original release, this is a great game, but only until you remember that there exists other Fallout games and, well, RPGs that are superior in every way.

Tons of content, a good story, and a beautiful world. What keeps it from 5/5 for me is its pathetically weak villain and its lackluster story when compared to the masterwork that was Hearts of Stone.

It sucked too much to be worth finishing.

Yes, the game reuses areas constantly. Yes, the game's scope is smaller than Origins. And, yes, it sucks that I can't be the elf of my dreams, but goddamn do I love this game. The nostalgic value of this entry is through the roof and I have played it more than any of the other entries of combined. It has, in my opinion, the best party members - besides Fenris - and the most engaging and interesting storyline of the series. Even with Inquisition tapdancing all over II's grave with its abrupt redirection in storyline, on its own II serves as a wonderful setup for the III we never got.

It's Far Cry 3 but I don't care about the setting.

MONTANA nationalism made this worth the play. If it weren't set in Montana, I wouldn't have cared in the slightest bit.

Crane is the best example of a boring, personality-less cisgender, White protagonist that I can think of. This game would have been leagues better with literally anyone else as its protagonist. Despite this, this game is fun as hell and it has the best parkour I've played in a game. In other words, it's a Techland game.

Easily the best jokes in the series and Telltale's final hurrah before declining into bankruptcy.

I have never regretted buying a physical game more.

Scored this cheap with all of its DLC as of October 2021 and the game felt full and was very enjoyable as a simulator. However, I would have been incredibly underwhelmed if I had just gotten the base game, what with there only being two maps and no ATVs.

I've played worse mobile games.