The game makes very clear within the first ten minutes that your choices mean nothing and it doesn't care about your input.

I tracked my deaths to Sister Friede. She mercilessly killed me 43 times, giving her a higher kill count than practically any other boss in a Fromsoft game. Never once did a death make me feel cheated. Each time, I felt more inspired to get my ass handed to me. It was my destiny to kill her. Every minute I spent fighting her felt like a dance against death - a beautiful battle against my selfish hubris. My heart pounded whenever I inched closer to seeing her die by my hand. I first fought her before beating the base game, and yet I didn't beat her until two days after I beat the Soul of Cinder. Sister Friede is a landmark when it comes to Fromsoft bosses.

Cute game that desperately needs more content. As is, it feels like its missing 70% of the finished product. Regardless, it was a fun Animal Crossing-esque experience that I got for free via Xbox Games with Gold.

I paid $5.00 for this and Sims 4 physically on Xbox One. Because of this, I enjoyed my time with the content. It's just a vacation world themed after Star Wars. It probably shouldn't be in the Sims 4, but, hey, it's fun content if you can find it on clearance at your local Walmart. Otherwise, it's overpriced like all the other game packs and its new additions only go so deep.

I was told it gets good after twenty hours, but even at the thirty hour point I was feeling the fatigue of a franchise long past its prime. This is a game that prioritizes style over substance - just like its successor - to a toxic degree. Perhaps if they had spent less time designing overcomplicated, outlandish costumes, they could have made some levels that weren't just hallways or empty fields.

This game is way better than it has any right to be, and its modding community is surprisingly robust.

The best dialog in gaming, period.

The nanosecond this dropped on Steam I bought it. I remember playing this game over and over again back on GameCube with its plethora of cheats. It's not perfect, but for an RTS game on console that lets you play as toys, it's damn fine.

They gave a man a beard! Hallelujah they made a single original character design!

The multiplayer for this game was soooooooooo good back in the day, and now it's gone forever. Truly one of gaming's greatest tragedies.

I played this game on the original Xbox One and faced a myriad of bugs, but because I am persistent and only paid six bucks for it, I managed to get through it. If you look past the bugs, outright marketing lies, and missed potential, it's a pretty enjoyable experience from start to finish, but only if you get it cheap.

This game probably doesn't deserve five stars on a technical level, but, there just ain't no greater feeling than mercilessly slaughtering hordes of my enemies all so I can establish an empire doomed to collapse to micromanaging.