U R MR GAY, too obvious Gavin?

I completed this game in 2 hours

Imagine taking a good concept made by a fan and turning it into a poor man's substitute and then shutting it all down after it was barely alive. 35 times the disappointment.

I guess it's new but that can't be right, this game was released 3 years after I was born.

I hope my autopilot doesn't fly me into the sun.

Wario goes on an adventure to find himself in a journey of self-help.

Do you think Mario still goes to this place despite how much icky paint-like goop there was?

A rose is a rose is a rose and it is all inside milk from Canada

I wonder, if an AI this sophisticated existed, would it destroy itself after realizing the futility of its task?

Hey, want to see me dismantle an M1911? Want to see me do it again?

Do you think when you scan the bar code it tells you how much he costs?