Upon looking at this game, I thought I would hate it. I kind of do, but the gameplay of just delivering shit to and from places could be so good. Emphasis is on "could be," because it is held back by the terrain and the cars. The whole point of the game is driving through rough terrains and that's a cool concept, but every vehicle you start with isn't meant to go offroad. You get a pickup that can't haul cargo and a shitty truck that is only meant for highways. To get more trucks, you either have to find them in the environment or do jobs to get money. The problem with these things is you have to use the trucks you are given from the start which, again, don't go offroad. The potential is there, but I just can't continue driving in the mud for what feels like an hour.

Dime a dozen zombie shooter games. It's mindless and sometimes fun, but there isn't much to it. It has a story, but I didn't play the first 3 games and have no plans to since I don't like the Sniper Elite franchise. I will say this game is probably better than the Sniper Elite games.

I'm not a big fan of survival games. They are boring most of the time. Resource management can be fun, but I don't like having to think about a hunger/thirst/sunlight bar all the time. It's monotonous in a way I don't like. This one also isn't very special either, it's just real life. I think it has a story but I won't be finding it out. The visuals aren't super impressive either. Controls are a little janky as well.

This game was surprisingly fun. It's silly but I enjoyed myself while playing this. It's held back by the battle pass bullshit and lack of difficulty but I may just not be far enough yet (I didn't die in the regular levels, of which I did 3, and I used all the resurrection idols during The Tower which I fully beat). The Tower is probably the best part of this, it's just a roguelike section. I have been discovering more and more that I am somewhat into roguelikes so The Tower was a fun section, the reward was a little middling though. If this game didn't have a battle pass then it would probably be a 3.5.

The gameplay was fine enough, a shooter game, the flying stuff was cool and the gunplay itself wasn't bad, a little generic. I don't know what it wanted me to do after beating the first 2 missions though, I got stuck in the hub world and gave up after walking around for a bit. The dialogue was really fast for some reason, like there was no breath or pause in a conversation, it was one character's sentence and then immediately another one and then another one. It was weird.


Another game I came back to after leaving for a long time. This is a really good game. Pretty easy but still fun. The ending and story it told were wonderful, it was unexpectedly heartfelt and emotional. The visuals were beautiful, my favorite section having to be the underwater part in the desert. I did notice some motion blur issues that I couldn't tune down but that's the only real problem with the game.

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I am glad that I came back to this because it got better as I went on. The story as a whole was pretty good being probably the best part of the game, although it's not as good as Alan Wake's or Control's. The beginning is alright, a little boring at times. The ending acts were better. I enjoyed their use of predestination, how time travel can't change things with the act of traveling, and the things done while traveling being already part of the set timeline. It's unfortunate, as I recognized and even enjoyed the actors in this, but the performances felt flat sometimes like the performers were rather nonplussed(except for Lance Reddick, I liked him in this). I also respect what they were going for involving the TV show within the game, it seems to be a medium that Remedy enjoys to emulate or reference. As for the whole "Remedyverse" thing, I feel like this one is a weak link. Overall it's just not as good as their other products and kind of wouldn't fit into the supernatural worlds of Control and Alan Wake. That being said, if they polish this experience up, they could probably get a good connectivity going. The graphics were pretty good, especially for an older game like this, although I did run into some performance issues during cutscenes at times. The one thing I will say improved is the gameplay in this is better than Remedy's previous game Alan Wake, not by a huge margin but enough to provide some challenge. However, movement can feel a little frustrating at times, it's especially noticeable during the platforming sections. Overall, I enjoyed my experience and would recommend picking it up if you wanted something quick to play and like Remedy's games.

I don't like the controls. I guess it's cool enough of a Star Wars ship sim but it's just kind of not good.

This is a really harsh score to give out, but this game is so boring. Sim games are so hit or miss because obviously you have to have some interest in the thing you want to simulate. When I first booted in and opened up the menu, I saw crop prices, vehicle management, two different maps each with color coding for crops, weather for crops, what crops are selling. Just a lot of crops. I am sure that this game has a very dedicated fanbase who love to farm away and live their virtual dream, but it's not at all what I want when I play a game.

A fine enough action platformer. I maybe would have finished if I had a connection to LittleBigPlanet. This would probably be a good first game for a kid.

I imagine Dreams is kind of similar to Mario Maker in a way, but less popular. Dreams however has a lot more variety when it comes to creation. With Mario Maker, you are limited to just level design, but with Dreams, you have a lot more options. You can create entire games from scratch with level design, sound design, custom elements/models. It also isn't just games, you can make animations too and some of it is really impressive. It's still user created content so a sizeable amount of stuff will be kind of trash, but I would say a good chunk is quality content. I played a Kaiju destruction sim, watched a really cool animation about like a bird robot thing, and played a bit of the Dream dev teams fully blown game they made in the editor. Games like this and Mario Maker are the things that end up inspiring young people and others to become creators like level designers, artists, game devs, etc. It's kind of cool actually.

This game is so fucking funny. You get another edgy villain called "Infinite," the most ridiculous story for a Sonic game (behind becoming a werehog) involving a dystopia ruled by Eggman, and the ability to make shitty DeviantArt Sonic OCs. I could not stop laughing at all of the dialogue in the game, it was so dumb. I would give it a 1.5, but the gameplay, from what I played, is fine enough. Standard Sonic stuff. It amuses me how terrible it is.

Just your standard arcade shooter, but with a coat of war paint. It's fun, but not anything special.

I'm on a roll recently of playing games that are average/ a little better than average. Like this is just bootleg Minecraft but with RPG elements. It's fun but you would probably get bored of it after spending enough time with it. All you do is explore an island, gathering all the materials and doing the quests on the island. After you're all done, you go into a portal and you're onto the next one. If you like doing basically the same thing, but with slight variations, then this game would probably be pretty fun (that's also not a bad thing because doing something repetitive in games can be fun for a time).

I like how this isn't a traditional racing game, there isn't a finish line. The goal is just to destroy other cars, which has been present in racing games before (I think Burnout: Paradise has this), but I don't know of any where the only goal is destruction. It's still a "racing" game, meaning you drive cars around, but I think it does some fun stuff.