Probably the 2nd best in the M&L series I personally preferred superstar saga but this still holds up to this day

boring as fuck this shit is so ass

Name a more peak game. I'll wait


This shit made me fucking hate my cat

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If you think this game is bad you're mentally ill. This shit revolutionized the boost formula and did it fucking right. Best sound track, best character introduction, and over all best game the sega team fucking put out in that era. shoot yourself if you think other wise

the reason why im trans gg

not really but this shit resonates with my community so i have to be good at it.

Easily the best in the entire series. Sora the goat, and free my mans roxas

This is genuinely one of my favorite games of all time.

The artstyle, gameplay, story (even though the dlc STILL isn't out... praying for 2024), mean everything to me. It's story resonates with me on a deeper level than I could really even imagine.

I fucking love this game man, FUCK!!

Personally one of the most unique fighting games on the market right now. It's a big of a slog to really get down to the nitty gritty and learn it, though the pay off is... semi worth it?

The modding scene saves but also ruins this game for me. I'm not a huge fan of over the top characters with really simple/unbalanced movesets. Which is really the fate of alot of these types of indie fighters that allow mods. Wishing it had bit more characters and a bit of fluidity with some of the moves on current characters

tldr: i have a skill issue

This game kinda just defined Nintendo as a gaming company so give it's props.

other than that..? It's a game alright

Been bronze since season 10 and i intend to keep it that way

Probably one of my favorite run and gun boss rushes. I'm a sucker for stylized games with a good amount of replay ability. Boss designs are wonderful, gameplay feels responsive and tight, proving to me that i am ASS at video games.

we love to see it

Good game but it's funny as fuck to tell a spider-man glazer 0 for 7. :joy:

I fucking suck but I love A17