Peach deserves so much better...

Please free me I have so many other games to play


INCREDIBLE start and middle! I was pretty frustrated by the end though

I can't believe FF is back

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They took one of the best games ever made, built half a new game on top of it, and another underneath. There's also a story beat that made my heart drop in a way that hasn't happened since Ocarina

This had such a boring intro that I couldn't bring myself to pick it back up. Maybe I'll watch a Let's Play

A bunch of baby minigames for babies and also archery

Worse than the first one in every imaginable way

The first game I ever streamed, and the second game I ever finished on stream. A nice change from the 100 hour JRPGs I've been playing lately

The first metroidvania that I've liked more than Symphony of the Night

This one's going straight to the top of my list of favorites

I welcomed this game into my home for a comfy 4 chapters. "What a nice time we've had" I thought.

By the end of Chapter 6 we were no longer friends.

By Chapter 8 this game was trying to kick ME out of MY house

What if nobody had to suffer?