That fucking piano puzzle that i hate

While not on par with what MGS2 made me feel throughout the whole game, it is undenyable that this is one of the best videogames ever made, and its impact on the whole medium as a whole is massive. I'm gonna share some of my thoughts of my personal experience

The stealth mechanics, while not perfect, are incredible and you can very clearly see all of the love put into them. You can really play the game however you want and you can very clearly feel that just since virtuous mission alone. This is a complete overhaul from metal gear solid 1 and 2's gameplay, and it's a great one of course.

While i cannot put emphasis on how great of an experience this was, i cannot deny that, while the plot and story is impecable, it didn't have the same impact on me as MGS2's story. It may have been because maybe i wasn't taking it all seriously enough, or maybe because it just didn't resonate with me as much, but it didn't make me feel that clump of unexplained emotions i've never felt before metal gear solid 2 gave me.

Thematically i cannot shut up over not only how well all of the themes tie up into everything, with the sorrow being a clear example of this, but also about how the whole gameplay experience ties into the story itself and creates a perfect link between both. Even if the themes didn't hit me as hard, They're undeniably one of the best parts of this whole experience, and i will appreciate them regardless of my personal impressions.

I would love to put this game something inbetween 4.5 and 5 stars, but that is not possible, so it's going to stay as a 5 star game, because i really liked it :p

TL;DR This is an incredible game, but it's the biggest and best "it's really good, but i don't think it's gonna stuck with me all that much" i'm ever going to play.

when necesitas dormir but no hay pedo porque llega hollow mid a curarte el imsomnio

ah hate it when slenderman takes over my thoughts

A giant step up from Gunvolt 1's gameplay and story. This time trying to get the good ending isn't an insufferable agony. I liked Copen's gameplay far more, although GV's story has an undeniable better and more elaborate conclusion.

The good ending took me like 7 tries to get im not doing that shit again bruh


Funny chinese board game, truly our apex as humans.

Hardest part of this game was to get a consistent framerate during the final boss

God I want to fuck that rabbit girl

A beautiful game about freedom and our own individuality.

I have genuinely wholeheartedly cried playing this game. I do not think any other game i ever play comes as close to this, and i am so glad i have played it. This really is the best you can get with videogames all the way.

imagine going back in time to 1354 and showing this to an aztec who had not had any type of contact with modern technology in all of their life