79 Reviews liked by Leechskulls

My Eyes Deceive is quite an interesting little indie horror game, it only runs about 30 minutes, yet packs a lot of punches, that I did see coming, but were done well.

The game takes place in a basement, the outer world has been ravaged, and is a wasteland. Someone takes care of you, and occasionally checks on you. The gameplay loop is waking up, doing activities, and chatting with your protector. He often brings up creatures, and monsters that are in the outside world, and that we must stay where we are, or we will die.

He brings us medicine, food, and water, everything we need to survive. The game has many dream sequences that are very ''artistic'' in nature, with how they depict things. There is a massive twist at the end, and I will admit, I did see it coming a few minutes into the game. Though that should not discredit just how well they pull off the twist. It is unnerving, depending on what ending you get.

This is a really good game, that is mainly concerned with its story then gameplay.

Overall: 8/10

This is like persona but without all the unnecessary fluff

eu ter colocado garten of ban ban acima desse jogo na lista diz muita coisa sobre ele

The Quiet Man is a unique approach in storytelling using a protagonist that does not have the ability to hear the world around him. You, as the player, are also subject to piecing together the story without the use of dialogue during the first playthrough of the game. Theoretically, this could have been a great game that stands out from the rest by giving the player a small glimpse into the life of someone processing trauma while also living with a disability, but it was quite apparent that not much effort was put into the game as a whole.

Most of the game is spent watching live action cutscenes in silence. This, by itself, isn’t that bad but the constant switching between live action and mediocre looking 3D models gives it a very sloppy feel. This would be better if the story was something to be enjoyed but because the player is deprived of dialogue, the cutscenes are hard to understand and most of the time straight up nonsensical. Not to mention, while engaged in combat, story related content flashes on the screen, which, presumably, is important but it’s very hard to pay attention to what it is while repeatedly mashing the punch button.

On that note, the combat in this game is genuinely terrible. The grabs do not work, neither do the kicks for that matter. It wasn’t until two or three chapters in the game I was made aware of a special turbo-like button that changes the protag’s normal moves into all finishing moves that deal much more damage than usual. Only from being told by other people and spamming every button during fights out of sheer boredom would someone ever find out about it. The game genuinely feels like you stare into space for 20 minutes at a time then spam the punch button until someone dies.

In conclusion, someone definitely had an idea for a game and people really did code, test, and release it. The question of why someone on the team didn’t raise concerns about the overall quality of the game before it was greenlighted for release is honestly beyond me. It should be a complete embarrassment to SquareEnix to be associated with a lazy, half-assed project such as this. Amazing they have the gall to charge people $15 for three hours of pure garbage. I want the $3 I paid for this game on sale back.

This is undoubtedly my favorite asymmetrical horror multiplayer game. While I had a good time with Friday the 13th, I feel like they've finally hit their stride and created something really good. The gameplay had me hooked, and I couldn't stop playing. This is especially enjoyable with friends. With that said, I do hope they add more content over time and maybe include different cutscenes for each of the game's endings.

The Sawyer family needs to do a better job at capturing victims because ain't nobody on this damn game

bioware exec: inquisition has to be like... an open world loot crafting rpg. like skyrim. with a lot of random shitty pointless material fetch quests. like skyrim.

bioware programmer: what? but that's nothing like the previous games.

bioware exec, twirling his hair: do you think todd howard would let me suck his toes



I appreciate any game that demands I fill out full pages of notes and use phone screenshots for its puzzles.

Combat is super wonky but that's what the "Play The Game For Me" button is for, so I was able to not let it get in the way.



really reminded me of the time i beat off

i don't like the vocaloid voices or the ui, especially that since it feels like i never know what's coming up even if i know the song.. but this game got the charms and the jams and i just want parappa 3 so bad dear god the full game better be good or i'll cry

2023 really has been the year for shadowdrops so far, huh? First, Hi-Fi Rush, then Metroid Prime Remastered and now this adorable Sonic the Hedgehog visual novel! What's next, Bloodborne on PC? It's free on Steam so I highly recommend playing through this cute murder mystery. Best April Fools joke.

Sega da uma de doida e dropa esse game DO NADA. E ainda por cima, uma VISUAL NOVEL DO SONIC. Vou confessar que quando eu vi o trailer eu nao tava acreditando que esse game tava saindo, curti a ideia e resolvi jogar :v

Sem entrar em detalhes, é resolver o misterio de quem matou o sonic num trem. Jogamos com um personagem novo que vc bota o seu nome e devemos encontrar pistas e interrogar os suspeitos, alem de jogar um minigame entre as acusações.

Essa estrutura de investigação vai se repetir pelo game todo. Eu diria que é meio repetitivo, mas como o game é muito curto (levei menos de 2 horas e meia pra terminar), então não incomoda.

Alias, as artes do jogo são mó bonitas e a trilha sonora é legalzinha até.

E o melhor de tudo...tá de graça na Steam. Se tu curte o Sonic e assim como eu, achou a ideia desse game uma loucura, joga que é um ótimo passatempo.

PS: É o segundo game que eu vejo esse ano que sai do nada sem anuncio (o primeiro foi o Hi-Fi Rush). As empresas tem que fazer mais isso :v

Just so you guys know. A woman made the art for this. Happy woman's history month.