This game is fine but in HD. Although the four player mode is fun and chaotic.

God damn, this game is good. The music, the combat, and the guns, all come together to make an excellent dungeon crawling experience

This game is pretty good, play it if you liked Portal and Portal 2, nuff said

Holy shit this game is wacky, and/or creepy as shit.

This is one of those games that left me wanting more, even though it 100% the main game. It's a short experience but it's one of the best on the GBA, right up there with Metroid Fusion. A great game, that really sets the mood for Halloween.

This game is weird, campy, and horrible to play sometimes. But it all comes together somehow into a charming package, that leaves an impression. The only issue is that the combat feels really unpolished and the boss battles are some BS, but it's worth it if you're an Megami Tensei fan.

This game is solid, and the soundtrack is really good

This is a nifty little expansion, it was short, but it conveyed the story it wanted to, and the gameplay was just as good as the original.

This was a pretty neat game and the gun switching mechanic was cool too. WHY HAVE THEY NOT MADE A SEQUEL TO THIS GAME. It's setting has so much potential, the gameplay was really fun, the world is rife with story potential. Valve I believe has the rights to it, someone should convince Gaben to do a sequel.

This is an overall good game, I feel I should get that out of the way before I continue. With that said, this game is very disappointing when it comes to the ending and I think it drags the whole game down because of it. The area before the final dungeon is perfect and what I wanted when I came into this game and to only have one area like that is fine, but it could have been better. Other than that this game runs buttery smooth, and has fun gameplay.

The moment to moment gameplay of this game is so good; moving around in your arsenal is so fluid, it feels like you're running on ice in the best possible way. The cast of characters is also fun, with most having fleshed out personalities. However the story of the game isn't as good but still has very fun levels. I for one can't wait for the sequel.

This is such a pleasant and nice game, it's so vibrant and colorful as well. Not to say it doesn't also it's sad, even depressing moments, which hits a lot harder than they probably should due to the tone shift. This may seem like a bad thing, but the way in which the story is built up they never feel out of place. Oh and I guess the game play is alright, not as good as other RPGs but it's still solid.

Rating this edition as the DLC as a whole; and holy shit. It's so good, it's a whole games worth of deep themes, great game play, and fallout charm. It's so good, the story of Ulylsses, and his relationship to the world around him, is so good, and the call backs and references each part makes to the other; it makes it feel like one long story. It's just a perfect game, and it's not even a game