This is not as good of a game as the original Shin Megami Tensei IV, but it has it's own strengths, and improves upon the world in a way I feel justifies it. Pretty good, all things considered.

Pretty good, having stuck with this game since launch in 2017, it's been one of my favorite games of all time

This game is so cool, it's not even funny. This game is fun, badass, serious, lighthearted, and terrifying all at the same time. I love this game, and I'm kind of shocked it took me this long to try it.

This game really got me in the feels, it's just so nice and calming, with a charming little story too. I love it, and hope to see a sequel soon

This game is good, not as good as 2, but solid. Even though some levels cough Cough Library Cough cough aren't as good as the rest, it's a solid game with a good story.

This is a nice, and fun to play game. It's story is cute and makes you care about the characters and the combat, while dated is still good. I also really like how 3D environments are handled on the 3ds, I think that was cute.

I'm starting to get why people love Suda 51, this game has it all. A weird story with even weirder characters, good gameplay to boot, and some little bits of food for thought to chew on. This game rocks.... well maybe not rocks, the DS certainly holds it back from being the greatest, graphically or stability wise. However, I'd still recommend this to anyone looking for something to play and love.

This game was fun. The gameplay loop was fun, with the boss fights being highlights. The characters are also fun; Luigi and Rabbid Rosalina especially are new favorites. Finally, the game is just the right length, being just enough before I got tired of it.

Operation Snake Eater, is one of the most depressing games I've ever played. It's also one I want to play again as I right this. The level of detail and forethought that went into the story, the gameplay, the world... It's incredible, and an experince I won't forget. It makes me wonder how one can top such a game, but I'm sure it'll happen. Congratulations Kojima, for making another masterpiece

This game is pretty good, a really solid third person adventure game. I liked the scan a lot, with it's ability to give extra lore to the world being a really interesting feature that built immersion. My only complaint were the bosses, which either had me completely stumped as to how to beat them, or were incredibly straight forward, with little to now in between. Other than that however, I really enjoyed the game, and the 100% bonus was cool.

I was at the final boss then my save file corrupted, otherwise though, a good game

This was an amazing game, with an amazing story to tell. Perfect

This was a very good way to replay Shadow of the Colossus and play Ico for the first time. I think Shadow of the Colossus really benefited from the achievements added, which was the only major change, but a welcome one. As for Ico, it's my first time playing it, I can't really compare.

This game really decided to blow me away. Sure it may lack a few features of more modern games, but what it has instead is such good direction, and sense of scope, one can't help but love it. It's truly a game where only the strongest will survive.

I really liked this DLC, it has a lot of charm. The supernatural aspects where really cool, especially the four horses, sasquatch and the Chupacabra they where all fun to find. I also really enjoyed a lot of the set pieces, the bad assery of saving Las Hermanos filled to the tip with zombie hoards, was perfection. A really solid DLC, it's a shame RDR2 never got something as wacky as this.
And the Kreeps made the best song for this dlc, Bad Voodoo is so good.