this is the game people bought overpriced consoles for back in the day, guys. just let this thought enter your brain

how exactly has humanity failed as a species to allow this to happen is the topic you should try to figure out by yourself

OK-ish way to play the games. But the fact that (just like Fusion) it was never truly fixed, just play the OGs for your first run (you automatically get them on your Steam account if you buy Revolution).
The reason want to be playing this is workshop content and an extra campaign.

AMAZING chases, meh the rest of the game

Burnout Paradise is a game that made me realize how hard racing games need neon barriers, or at least checkpoints. Especially if your racing game's specific focus is being close to your opponents and crasing them off the road.
Please play literally any other Burnout game.

Fusion is the best way to play the included games, because it's less broken than just playing them stand alone.
It's still broken, however.

Purely random, but the fact how abusable it is makes up for it, making the gameplay loop engaging in it's own strange way. It's a dumb game, but it's also a fun dumb game.
Also, you get to cuck Bird again, so what's not to love about it?

The shining example of what's wrong with the indie game industry.

I'm done with it. The last chapter of the first game repeating the same formula for yet another time and being as boring to read as possible, I'm scared to imagine that I'd be forced through playing at least 5 more games exactly like it if I continue with the series. Try to prove to me that the games do get better and less predicatable than this, but after first exposure being less engaging than the worst dating sim I've played it's probably gonna be hard.

Alicesoft finally learned how to draw. This one sets up the Magic Sect with some important lore, you also get to have unconscientious sex with a lot of girls again. It's fun, play it


limbo more like bimbo it was boring as shit and puzzles sucked

Completely broken and underbaked, but pretty playable and charming. If you speak Japanese or it's already translated when you read this, play Rance 03 instead.

Ragnarokarc Super Gandhi is the most epic dude ever it was worth playing for him alone
Other than that the game has big balancing issues, the orb system is annyoing and in the classic Rance fashion the game's story sets up future events more than it actually has stuff happen. But it was still fun, I love the postgame and the fact that it brought much needed story closure. After Stories is also a nice addition, please look it up online

At the time, Valve seriously considered releasing half-life content regularly in episodic format. Because of that, they allowed themselves to release this, which essentially setup for what's coming next (spoiler: what was coming was ep2 and nothing else), so there is really nothing outstanding about this game in isolation. Of course, it wasn't meant to be experienced in isloation, and should not be rated this way.
Nothing wrong as far as gameplay goes.