It's fine, but please play with the Japanese voice acting and watch the "Other M that never was" video on YT.

Remaster came out halfway through my playthrough and I abandoned all motivation to ever finish this version.

An ultimately better version in evey way possible. Play this instead.

I really don't get why this exists. The fact that it's less technologically advanced than The Adventure is kind of impressive.
1 extra point for Sonia being cute though.

I don't recall why I played this and I don't want to.

The story sucks, the gameplay sucks, but some scenes are funny and the music's alright.

A really solid exploration type Catlevania game, hampered by the obnoxious implementation of the dash mechanic and abysmally low card drop chances. Still absoultely worth playing though. Just don't force yourself to do battle arena on your first run.

this is the game people bought overpriced consoles for back in the day, guys. just let this thought enter your brain

how exactly has humanity failed as a species to allow this to happen is the topic you should try to figure out by yourself

The best thing Yoko Taro managed to release, don't bother with his other shit games.

Ragnarokarc Super Gandhi is the most epic dude ever it was worth playing for him alone
Other than that the game has big balancing issues, the orb system is annyoing and in the classic Rance fashion the game's story sets up future events more than it actually has stuff happen. But it was still fun, I love the postgame and the fact that it brought much needed story closure. After Stories is also a nice addition, please look it up online

I can already see that this game is better than MGS3 ever hoped to be.

Fun and simple rhythm game, but the story is ass and should not have been included.


limbo more like bimbo it was boring as shit and puzzles sucked

I was very surprised by the amount of times the n-word was said in this game's unedited soundtrack when I looked up the uncensored version