Burnout Paradise is a game that made me realize how hard racing games need neon barriers, or at least checkpoints. Especially if your racing game's specific focus is being close to your opponents and crasing them off the road.
Please play literally any other Burnout game.

OK-ish way to play the games. But the fact that (just like Fusion) it was never truly fixed, just play the OGs for your first run (you automatically get them on your Steam account if you buy Revolution).
The reason want to be playing this is workshop content and an extra campaign.

Fusion is the best way to play the included games, because it's less broken than just playing them stand alone.
It's still broken, however.

I don't know what the devs were thinking inserting levels where you don't sneak in the game otherwise all about sneaking, where sneaking is the most fun part of it. One of them even houses multiple fetch quests which made me groan out loud because of how boring and repetitive it is.
The final stretch due to some strange decision is entirely combat focused with sneaking heavily discouraged. It's not terrible, just again, why deny the game the thing it's the best at?
And yes, Thieves' Guild is that bad. Just skip it, it's not worth it, and if you still decide to beat it despite all warnings like I did, you won't gain anything, not even any story. Just extra hatred for the world. Use a cheat code.
I hope the sequel's better, but it's still overall a decent game which is still very much worth playing today.

After so many years of listening about how apparently great classic persona was, I went ahead and played it... 7 years after initially playing P3F.
It's been a long grind, but it feels bad to excessively hate on P2 like I did P1 due to the story just being really well done, both the main one across IS and EP as well as an extra scenario in EP's PSP port. But the gameplay is still really bad, and considering that you need to endure about 60 hours of it across both games I can't seriously bump the score up any higher and go around recommending those games to people. The best praise I can get is that it's not as stupid and annoying as P1, and there's at least some semblence of logic present here.
I can only hope that Atlus decides to remake these games already, but right now? Proceed with caution, and play PS1 version of P2IS and PSP version of P2EP for the best experience.

The more Portal 2 mods I play, the more I realize this one's the best. Having cleared 100+ hours of community maps, a truly challenging and unique campaign is definitily a special find.
It makes zoomers here mad too, which is an another plus.

Actually fun if playing with Improved Controls hack by NaOH. Cute little game, but Grim Reaper can go fuck itself

Even after layering this game with fan patches (retranslation and modern controls) it's still fundamentally broken. What an accomplishment!

You know what? With the DX hack (which makes the game faster and provides full color) this is straight fire. I had insane fun especially on stages 3 and 4. Cave escape from crushing walls? Timing based platfroming challenges? Count me in. It's amazing how a fanmade hack can revive a game such as this one.

Really fun and decently challenging, with great music. Dunno about the western version

Too long, and reuses too much from The Adventure, making it even more repetitive. At least you get to play as a deadbeat dad.
Although I did play the patched verion of the prequel for it to be good, but this one is fine as is.

While I did really enjoy the game, I can't help but think that the franchise has slowly started stagnating with this one. Sure, it's really polished, and gives you a lot of control, but it's still just a retelling of Catlevenia 1, you are still a barbarian who whips demons and beats up Dracula in the end... Maybe it's because I'm playing these games back to back.
I will be returning to it way later, after a long enough break. I may like it more.

Way more fun than Super Castlevania. Unique setting, a brand new character with a whole different playstyle to try out, faster, more action packed gameplay, bust just as detailed and with a great soundtrack. Really, the only complaint I have is the wonky jumping physics. And lack of continues (just use savestates, dont waste your time bro, you have whole life ahead!)

Fantastic. Maria experience turns the game into a huge joke, which only makes the game more fun. Probably my favorite Castlevania game so far. It's criminal that it didn't initially release worldwide.

Cornell & Henry story clear.