What a strange mess of a game. For every good side it has it's counterbalanced by something dumb. The disgusting amount of backtracking alone is enough to make the game plain not fun, and even then on top of it you also have to deal with piss easy bosses, needlessly vertical level design, and lack of any reasonable way to track collected items. Not to mention, furniture collection is yet another blatant form of padding out the playtime.
Circle of the Moon right before this one had major problems, but even it didn't try to be nearly as annoying.

Meh. Considering the budget, it's impressive how long this game is, but the repeating locations, shit ton of pointless backtracking, and lack of any memorable level design makes it questionable for such game to even be finished. The story, for how important of a task it tires to accomplish, doesn't deliver any hard hitting moments or significant revelations, and the game is simply not worth the 8 hour playtime it asks.
Strangely enough, Castlevania 64 ended up being a far better game.

Do you love fetch quests? You should if you want to enjoy the blood pumping, semen boiling action of walking around the same locations over and over again, telling kids to go back home for dinner and collecting junk to later give it away for experience and some money.
The gameplay loop never really changes or meaningfully evolves, you are experiencing the same fetch quest "how else can we make this game longer?" type of design philosophy for 10 hours and then the game ends. The story, what little of it is there, can be summarized in a single sentence, and the character writing never really becomes engaging or goes beyond your average fantasy archetypes. If the goal of the game was to hype up the main event, Curse of the Moon-style minimalist adventure would have done fine, and delivered a way more fun burst of experience than this slog.
From what I've heard about the main gamae, Rising is ultimately irrelevent as the main cast plays only a minor role there. Find a better way to spend these 10 hours: play Rance 01.

Surreal experience of playing a shitty tie-in game made so that clueless parents buy them to kids who liked the cartoons they are based on but instead being based on The Sopranos

The best purse owner vidya, it's all downhill from this point forward.
Also, I played it when I was 16, afraid of re-playing it now because it'll probably suck and I only liked it back then because I was an emo little shit

This one is going to be complicated for me, but I'll try.
This game is often credited as "creating a genre" (which I'll address later) and being in general revolutionary. And after playing every previous game in the series (mainly in preperation for this one) I simply do not see that 10/10 perfect score.
Sure, it's a huge leap forward for the series: flawless animations, beautiful fully realized aesthetics and music, playtime of longer than 2 hours... But there's one issue here: Super Metroid came out 3 years earlier.
You see, there's a reason wht that game gets praised to bit: it reintrouces the rough formula from the first game, and pretty much perfects it. The game is long, but never fails to excite the player: even your average zoomie brain gets constant stimulation with new weapons, new movement tech, but counterbalances it with harder challenges which force you actually make use of those gadgets. The best part of it all, however, is the many uses the items have outside of opening color coded doors, as you generally get to use most of them anywhere: new beams hit harder, new movement items let you do more and move faster, new bombs can clear your screen etc. etc. and Samus at the start of the game is a completely different character from a demigod she eventually becomes at the end. And despite the long runtime, because of that, engagement never really drops, as new things get introduced at every turn, rewarding the player.
Now, here's SOTN whcih doesn't do that. Alucard, while a really cool character with a cool design, stays the fucking same throughout this long-ass dragged out adventure, and the only real movement upgrade he gets is a double jump. "B-but the bat and the wolf" -- nope, both are ass. The bat is a tool you get to fly places, but not a FUN form to interact it. Comparing with, say Space Jump from Metroid, which sometimes forces you to have proper timing, but most importnantly has no annoying animation to go though just to use, the bat form from SOTN is just a pain in the ass. AND you are forced to use it in the super secret "oh shit our game is too short let's pad out the runtime with more of the same but FLIPPED!!" segment just to navigate previously simple rooms. And the wolf? The form designed for speed? Yeah, this mutt can't jump. Should I even compare it to simply running as is to get speed in Metroid? And both forms get dropped when you get hurt too, because fuck fun I guess.
Due to the lack of real, tangible movement improvements, the game's exploration quickly becomes a chore. Underground caverns straight up have you travel to one side to unlock another boat spawn, to get to the other side to unlock water not hurting you. Both are useless outside of the caverns by the way, you just wasted your time as a part of the intended progression. And a lot of areas go like that: you MAY get a weapon/armor/item/familiar card, but most of the time you get a useless outside of a single room key item or some consumable. Oh yeah, consumables. This game has RPG elements, which means it must shower you in pointless junk you never use because that's what it means apparently...
The weapons you get are fun, but all essentially are used the same way. Some are slower, some are faster, some have special attributes, some have different hitboxes and all have different damage numbers. But they are always used the same way and hit in the same dirsction. For fucks's sake, none can be used vertically, they all work in the expected way. For the usual linear Castlevania game it would be fine, and even cool actually, but nah, we are wearing big boy shoes now, deal with that for 10+ hours. The rest of the "RPG" stuff in the game is just fluff, not really worth discussing. Items make number bigger, choose which number you want to get bigger now, not like it will change how your character plays. And using consumables has you scrolling trough menus to equip a shitstick which hits once for 30 damage and leaves you with an empty hand. Wow.
Now, why am I so angry at this game, which I didn't even really hate and in the end enjoyed it for what it was? Because I don't get it. Right under my review there are a dozen which call it a 10/10 "best in the series" masterpiece. I don't get what part of this game leaves them with such an impression. Is is this just the style alone? Am I just stupid? But oh wait, it created the word "Metroidvania", it makes this special? What even is this word?
Now, here's a spoiler, a redpill if you will: "metroidvania" is a meaningless buzzword created to classify other games with the names of the series it itself doesn't represent well: not all Metroid and Castlevania games are "metroidvania". And in fact, SOTN doesn't even exactly reinwent the formula, it attempts to replicate Metroid with it's own spin, which it does... Decently, actually. With how different the focus was, the game delivered well enough for the time, it successfully made it's series relevant again, and even gave it soft reboot if you will, despite being direct sequel to Rondo (which is a far better game don't @ me). But it's not some sort of grand revolution worth creating a genre over. Stop putting this game on such a pedestal, making people like me infinitely confused. And the thing is, I don't even think that Super Metroid is some flawless masterpiece. To make even more people mad, some future Metroid games are far better, I have zero nostalgia for either series. I just don't agree with this idea that SOTN is the game of similar quality which rivals it: it's a game focused on completely different thing, making it way worse in some of the most basic shit (like movement) and better in a lot more smaller details (the theme, style, animations, secrets, hotter protag etc.etc.)
Here's my rant. I don't know what I'm saying, I can't write. I just hope that it's not a peak of Castlevania games, because it's too damn fucking shallow to be one.

I really don't get why this exists. The fact that it's less technologically advanced than The Adventure is kind of impressive.
1 extra point for Sonia being cute though.


Cool box art and soundtrack are kinda all this game has going for it. The level design is fundamentally broken, with almost every threat being an unpredictable "gotcha" aimed at making you memorize the stages by heart instead of actually enjoying the game. Arrange mode is just a bandaid on a fundamental level design issue and doesn't help much, I still won't call it a fair challenge.
At least it was saved from emulation hell by getting a PS1 port, since this system is way easier to emulate.

I really should have played this before LoD, but yeah. Not nearly as terrible as some claim, but not nearly as good as some defend it to be. It's not a completely terrible attempt to transition to 3D, and is worth playing if you enjoy the franchise. You also get to play as a cute girl.

A really solid exploration type Catlevania game, hampered by the obnoxious implementation of the dash mechanic and abysmally low card drop chances. Still absoultely worth playing though. Just don't force yourself to do battle arena on your first run.

I don't recall why I played this and I don't want to.

An ultimately better version in evey way possible. Play this instead.

Remaster came out halfway through my playthrough and I abandoned all motivation to ever finish this version.