This was cute, but not much else. It presents crazy ideas, which is what I want from such a DLC, but the gameplay really is not on par with the narrative propostion.

It's worth the detour all the same, but it's nothing truly remarkable.

A fantastic indie gem.

It uses a unique mechanic to tell a profound story in a way that no other game design could've. Truly a fantastic achievement which left me on the verge of tears.

White Shadows was bad.

It is pretty derivative of a bunch of other movies and games (Inside, Limbo, Animal Farm, 2001 : A Space Odyssey), and uses them all in such a vapid way that has none of the meaning present in those other works.

The game is very slow and mostly asks you to hold a joystick forward and watch the passable environments drift by. The political and corporate satire is absolutely meaningless and elementary school level in its messaging.

It really isn't much to write home about. It was just bad and tried to do what a game like Inside did without any of the vision and experience behind it.

Oh and the music ? Dear god. It's like the five most overused compositions in all of the classical repertoire spammed again and again. If I hear the Ride of the Vakyries in a game once again I'm going to lose it.

Like other Chilla's Art games, it manages to have moments of brilliance buried in a so-so game with a predictable moments. The whole thing about the online streamer was great though !

Well what I thought would happen happened : I payed 60$ for this game and didn't get my money's worth at all.

I'll surely play other sessions with friends, but at such a high price tag for something that could have been free to play, I found it a tough sell.

The gameplay loop feels interesting and polished, although very repetitive and slow paced after a while. You need to devote a lot of time to any game to get anywhere, and killing monsters really is the name of the game. There's no alternative game modes, not much in the way of secrets and places to go in your ship. It really felt small in many aspects for how pricey it is.

I'm an absolute sucker for this series. Final Fantasy has got so much incredible music that a rhythm game made to celebrate that seems like a great idea right off the bat.

The new way to play is very fun as it needed to be translated from the original 3DS titles and lends itself to much more complex gameplay scenarios.

The letdown here for me is in the collectibles. It feels somehow less fun that previous titles. Anything you can get is just a JPG to add to the extras menu, nothing substantial you can toy with in the gameplay loop.

Anyways, I might play it again later. It is still a great game even if it hooked me less than others in the series.

I expected an indie revelation and One Shot was not the case.

It's a fine little game, it has some clever ideas but it all feels very simple narrative and gameplay-wise. I don't feel the need to replay it to get the secret ending. It just felt ok and very much overhyped from what I read. Maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea 🤷

Still a lot of fun to play with friends on Discord.

It's so fucking long, and hilarious how the game expects you to wait all this time playing mini-games for 2 year olds before jerking your willy. I don't get how this can be used for anything except for laughing at it.

Hilarious though, don't get me wrong.

A Plague Tale : Requiem was really a mixed bag for me. It's beautiful and boasts much more interesting and balanced gameplay than its predecessor, but it has no rhythm.

The starting chapters are pretty strong, but around chapters 8-10 I realized the plot had not advanced at all since the beginning. A lot of stuff happens, but there's no revelations or twists to really keep you going. The gameplay completely flatlines as well as its the same thing over and over again.

I really liked Sophia though ! She might be the best thing here.

As a complete package, this really couldn't hold my interest and felt profoundly overlong although it has a strong gameplay core.

A short and well crafted experiment in tension.

Well, the first hour didn't sell me on it at all.

I have never been one to note that a console "holds back" a game with technical limitations... But it is very much the case here. This game is STRUGGLING to run and look like anything at all.

I'm really not feeling it.

Ghost Trick is one of the best visual novels I've played.

I loved it because it has gameplay. It doesn't simply ask you to mash the action button to skip text.

Everything relating to the Ghost Trick mechanic was great, although a little too intense on the "trial and error" at times.

The story is a tad overdrawn, but it still rules. The twists hit like a ton of bricks and it kept me on my toes the whole time. It's a really tightly knit story that's worth seeing through to the end.

A weird, unique and wholly realized game of top notch quality.

I'm dehydrated now from how much my hand sweat I lost playing this.

The Kidnap has very uneven game design, and maybe too many jump scares. Apart from that, a lot of moments are genuinely fucked up and terrifying, even while using very rudimentary building blocks (simple 3D art and sound design abound).

I had a great time going through this with friends on Discord, and I'll remember it fondly even if it is somewhat corny in the end.

Has some very tense moments, but ended up feeling a little shallow by the time I hit the credits.

It's all about the mood.

Animal Well, to me, really distinguished itself with its atmosphere. The almost total absence of music, replaced by a myriad of sounds and wobbles. The sparkling colors and dancing smoke effects moving across the scan-line post process. The weird animal designs and encounters where random otters can jump on screen to mess with your plans.

It also has very interesting power-ups which are all thematically consistent as a toolkit and really creative in how they shape your relationship to the environment.

It's a bit of a bummer that the game offers almost no tools to hunt down all the remaining secrets once the game is over. I would have loved to get to the true ending, but there's no way I'm scouring every inch of a gigantic map (where it's tough to fast-travel) with no pointers to get to that point.

It still is a fantastic little game for what it is and I'll mostly remember it for it's unique art direction and thick ambiance.