a lot better than I had anticipated! content is lacking but a lot of the fun comes from the fact that it's a splatoon roguelike

I played this from my Wii U, never have i ever played a game that was so crusty in my fucking life.

edit: i just saw the 3ds version, nevermind

they really locked in for the watered down browser sonic columns game

of course it's that rotund fuck pete that has the best song in the entire soundtrack because who else would

they should have made mario a wolf, wolves are cool, elephants are not.

i went into this game not playing boneworks, so the bar is kinda low but even still, the campaign was really weird and kind of empty at points to the point where i was just waiting for the next thing. some segments literally lasted less than 5 minutes. modding this game for multiplayer is very fun though.

this game makes me feel like an australian

i actually dont have anything witty for this one i just enjoyed this game a lot

i dare not wish HeadBangers: Rhythm Royale upon my worst enemy

was this close to strangling someone because Big City Life kept playing near the end of chapter 4 and i hate that song

absolutely addicting, cannot get enough

dialogue isn't good but it's not the worst either

the snakes come out of the ceiling like poop

For what it is, this is a nice treat! short and sweet (also really hard) shmup that i would consider very Lilac-core. for my first shmup I had a good time, makes me want to play more.

better than the first one, good series :)

this game is beyond cool. prime aesthetic, mood and everything, the only thing holding it back is that it has some very "90's level design" which is the best way i can describe it.