22 Reviews liked by LiveRobo

Holy peak, this game is so awesome. I love the art direction of this game, easily one of the best art directions in gaming. The combat is so fun and the bosses are all so fun and challenging (except that robot).The music is so good, i love each track. The only area i don't really like is the run and gun stages, i'm just not a big fan of them and i feel like it slows the game down, like i just want to fight the bosses.

hot bitch gambling game. This game sucks ass but when i get a hot bitch from a summon it becomes awesome

Awesome gambling game. awesome bubble pop mobile game with dragon ball characters that makes my wallet cry when they release new units

pocket xenoverse with gambling. the pvp sucks ass

HOLY PEAK. This game is awesome

Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Cody.. honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you run into the ring and strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth cross rhodes and that gorgeous disaster kick. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you retire.

You had a rough first WWE run, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the ring, you're a great husband and father, sometimes I even call you dad. I forever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day retire. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face.

You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you first left the WWE and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you make a name for yourself in the indies, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to return home. Then alas, you did, my sweet baby boy returned home and I rejoiced. 2023 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2024 you made history happen. You finished your story and beat Roman Reigns to win the WWE undisputed championship and I couldn't believe it.

I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "WRESTLING HAS MORE THAN ONE ROYAL FAMILY!" Not only have you changed the game of professional wrestling and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Cody Rhodes.

For a next step in the classic Mega Man formula, Mega Man X does a really good job. Of course, it fumbles from time to time, but that doesn't ruin the experience as a whole.

Gameplay wise, this game is some of the most fun shit I've played. I already enjoy how the classic games play, but now this game ramps that shit up to 11. Wall jumps are already cool as hell, but oh my lord, the dash makes this game so much fun. Chaining together dash jumps and blitzing though stages feels great, and better yet, the game rewards you for it. The maverick weapons are pretty good, but they barely hold a candle to the X Buster, especially with the arm upgrade.

The soundtrack FUCKS. Like goddamn, they locked the fuck in on this OST. Spark Mandrill, Storm Eagle, Sting Chameleon, Boomer Kuwanger, Zero's theme. Goddamn, these songs are great.

I will say that there are some stuff that is pretty annoying. Namely the secrets, like heart tanks. It's obnoxious since they're basically mandatory if you don't want this game to start being obnoxious with its balancing. Sigma himself is as fun as stubbing your toe if you don't have a Hadoken in your back pocket. Speaking of the Hadoken, I didn't even bother trying to get it, because it felt like I was doing nothing but busywork just to one shot a boss or two. It's cool as hell, but I'm not doing the most just to kick the rest of the game in the balls.

Even will all its obnoxious secrets, I say this game kicks major ass. It's a great branching off point for the series with a really strong foundation.


This game was one of my favorites as a kid. I love Star Wars and as a kid I really loved legos and even had a few lego star wars sets, so when i saw this game at Big Lots(Yes that store sells games, im not sure if they still do but i remember getting games from there whenever it wasn't pre owned gamestop games) I knew i wanted it. When i got it, I loved it so much. Playing throughout the prequel and original trilogy was so much fun and I loved freeplay and just playing as different characters throughout the movies was so cool. I loved playing as yoda because i just liked the way he would run around with his lightsaber and the noise he would make when he died, it was so FUNNY i loved it. I loved the cantina being the hub world and loved listening to the band. The comedy in this game is so funny i fucking love it. This game is just so fun, it reminds me so much of my childhood.

It was one of the coolest gachas I have played and introduced me to many manga series in the Shonen Jump library.
May the game rest in peace.

After playing the other titles in the series, Mega Man 1 truly does feel like the first game of the series. This isn’t a knock towards the game, but it does give me some sense of perspective looking back.

Outside of that, well yeah, this is truly a game of all time. The concepts it establishes are really good, like being able to pick which stage to start with, boss weapons, and an extra (but in all honesty is required) item with the Magnet Beam.

The issue is that it’s also an 80’s arcade game in disguise. While it isn’t as obnoxious as games like Ghosts n’ Goblins (thank God), it will go out of its way to piss you off, whether it’s due to the annoying level design, certain enemies that will make your ass itch, or general NES jank. Mega Man himself feels heavy as hell while slippery, which is honestly impressive. There are a couple of segments in this game that feel worse than kidney stones, like the conveyor belts in Guts Man’s stage, the constant ladders in Elec Man’s stage, and the Wily Stages as a whole. And of course, there are bosses that suck ASS, like Fire Man, and of course, Yellow Dickhead.

But there’s some genuinely good stuff here too. The game itself looks pretty good, but the music is great. As much as I dislike Elec Man’s stage, the theme is great.

Overall, this game is the epitome of first game syndrome. While it’s a bit rough around the edges, there’s still a lot of good foundation for the rest of the series. If you really want to play this and not immediately skip to any of the other mainline games, play it with save states.

Oh yeah, Thunder Beam is great.

I have a serious love-hate relationship with this game. I initially enjoyed a lot of things about this game starting—with the characters, the combat, the environments, etc. The anticipation for what was to come, especially seeing the gameplay demos years before. After playing it, I felt unsatisfied. The game felt very unfinished and was a fragment of the potential it set itself to be. Most of the cast was one-dimensional (the exceptions being Ajna and Dhar), the story is lackluster, and the gameplay can get repetitive & boring with nothing to spice it up a bit.
I know of Mike Z's tom foolery and how it led to why the game ended up like this. I still had fun and appreciated what was there, but it had HEAVY flaws.

Download PCSX2
Download a ROM for Ratchet and Clank (2002)
Enjoy a far better game

This game is the closest I am going to get to experiencing symptoms of crack addiction. I would spend full days just playing this game.

This game reeks. Easily one of the worst games I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

First off, this game looks and sounds horrible, even by NES standards. Not only will you be watching smeared slop on your screen, you’ll be hearing what I can only describe as the digitized sounds of babies being microwaved.

Then there’s the gameplay. Arthur feels very stiff to control, but the weapons can somehow feel even worse. The only worthwhile weapon is the damn knife, but you’re still gonna need to use the crappy ass lance with it’s terrible firing rate as well as the shield and it’s range of approximately 2 inches.

Speaking of the shield, it’s required to beat the goddamn game. Why? Cause this game is the quarter muncher among quarter munchers. Enemies either have way too much health or irritating attack patterns, sometimes both, like with the Red Arremer. The level design is terrible too, often combining the horrible enemies with set pieces that’ll make you want to put a hole through a wall. All of that combined with Arthur’s controls and the terrible weapon pool and you got yourself one of the most unfair games on the console.

Oh yeah, you have to play the game twice to see the true ending. Don’t play the game twice.

Please do not play this, even with save states. Watching paint dry is a better investment of your time.