Where do I start with this game? It's revolutionary, breath taking, and greatly impactful. It's very bombastically cinematic, yet also soothing and intimate. Super Mario Galaxy utilizes the large expanse of space to stellar effect.

I would say this game aged pretty well, I was able to replay it a few years ago and never got stuck. This game is a real good way to showcase the capabilities of the Wii and worth getting one just to play.

There is orchestral music in this game that propels it, a charming hub world, and a great selection of Galaxies to be shown. Meanwhile, Bowser is in space up to no good again.

This is nearly the textbook definition of a perfect game that I would change little of or not at all. I am biased as this is a nostalgic title, but I believe it stands the test time and needs to be preserved for gaming history.

Thank you for reading my review <3

I played this game a second time on Steam Deck and I have to wonder to what great heights the dev team will reach with future projects. Celeste is a wonderfully packaged game that stays its welcome in a good pace and amount of time with well appreciated side content.

You play as a flawed, but likable protagonist Madeline as she tries to climb a mountain. On the way you meet characters and eventually Madeline's personified dark side that the fanbase has dubbed "Badeline"

Celeste is mature and emotional, Badeline seems to lash out in the beginning as the clear villain yet she is scared for Madeline and is truly just a side to her. In the end Madeline has to accept this side of her and process it. Madeline talks to and reflects with this side of her and doesn't put them down for past mistakes.

This is a side tangent, but I really like Theo and would be good friends with him if he were real. He hails from Seattle and seems so chill, he is a great person for Celeste to work off of and is nicely designed.

This game really inspires me, for at least half a year I've wanted to make a full game and sell/publish it on Steam and I'm happy if people are still willing to buy pixel games with their hard earned money, as that is all I can manage right now. But enough about me.

Celeste is musically sound, no track feels out of place. The art work is very pretty and I like seeing the hand drawn art after completing a stage. After failing to complete a bunch of metroidvanias Celeste was a breath of fresh air and gave me a great 2D platforming experience plus some slight non linear branching out of paths.

I beat this game in 8 hours and may collect an additional strawberry here and there. I give this game 5 stars and would recommend it to most people. The game saves after you complete a small segment of the stage, there is no devastating start over or running out of lives. Plus there is an assist mode.

I would say Celeste is one of the best 2D platformers, up there with Rayman Legends and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

A Hat in Time throws you into the wacky and enthralling world of Hat Kid, this game expertly carves its own personality and identity as a funny and not so serious 3D platformer.

I'd say the experience on Steam would be best, the switch has some issues with the art where the outlines may look pixely, but it's nothing unplayable.

The base game is short with DLC helping make things the appropriate length. I have to appreciate there being minimal backtracking and padding out of content.

This game made me feel like a kid again and I couldn't guess what was coming next. On the negative side, (at least on switch) the 2 player camera is bad. This is a much better 1 player experience.

Play it if you want a simple humorous time. My favorite character is the snatcher.

I bought Superhot on switch and PC, AND I would purchase it again on Vr!

This game sets out to be the (and I quote) "The most innovative shooter I've played in years." It is a nice package with a short and sweet campaign that grants you access to different challenges/modes after completing it.

Super hot started as a CS GO mod and will age well with its slick style and tight controls. I have to wonder if there are people modding this game. It may be a 5 star game with mods, but I leave it as 4 with high hopes for the sequel.

This game is not held in high regards which I am well aware of. But I grew up on this game during middle school and it helped catapult me into gaming.

There is a lackluster offline single player experience, the content could have and should have been more rich and full. Only the original trilogy is represented here and it gets a little grindy to get that shore trooper skin in the end.

Aside from these things, me and my close friend were gravitated toward a star wars FPS experience. An experience that had stunning visuals in the frostbite engine and different locations we could be immersed in.

I believe Star Wars Battlefront was the first FPS I played before any battlefields, CODs, or DOOM games. It allowed me and my friend to play such a game devoid of violence or offensive material. It ain't the greatest, but I feel I did not waste time playing it.

The online is terrible though last I checked on it, everyone was only playing the maps on the final DLC. So if you wanted to play anything else you were sheer out of luck. Also, I should mention the game had a good movie tie in with Rogue One. You do not to go out of your way to place this, heck many people speak fondly of the PS2 battlefront games but I found it clunky and poor in the visual department. I will just believe both games to be good relics of their respective times.

May the force be with you!

I think this game was one step forward and two steps back. Honestly a hard game to review.

I purchased this because my friend pressured me to, I am pretty mixed on this. There is more rep from prequel and sequel characters and the like, but the game modes and weapons/tech for infantry is limited.

I have to mention the infamous launch of this game with the loot crates. Iden Versio is an underwhelming and bland protagonist/villain character. I did not unlock everything like the first game, which can be a good or bad thing. I don't believe I put as many hours into this game, but it's okay and I can appreciate some of the things it does differently.

I made some good friends when playing this and that is what carried the game along with some nostalgia. I eventually deleted Star Wars Battlefront 2 to clear storage on my PS4, but I guess I sorta got my money's worth. I ever so slightly prefer Battlefront 1.

This game really ticks all the boxes. I won't spoil any of the story, but it tugs at the heart strings. A good game will make you feel all kinds of things and this one does just that.

Insomniac's Spider-Man is one of THE BEST PS4 games. Period. It has the appropriate amount of polish, a nice map to explore, iconic villains, and suitable end game/side content.

The devs didn't have to do this, but they added a bunch of Spider-Man suits you can equip. It really feels like a game made by people who cared an awful lot and paid attention to small detaisl.

Here's to hoping the sequel is at least as good!

A game that is my favorite on my profile, but not a perfect 5 stars as it fumbles the bag with the ending boss battle.

This whole experience rarely soured, some faults were an inevitably of time restraints and volume of ambition. I'd definitely replay this sometime and I must say it was a refreshing approach to the open world with climbing and custom markers for the map.

Heck, I bought a Nintendo Switch just to play this masterpiece!

I wish I got this on Steam...

Anyway, this game has been out since 2016 and has had many free updates since then. It can get a little grindy, but you're truly free in this game and have much to explore at your fingertips.

It's one of the most wholesome and charming gaming experiences. Stardew valley is a good way for me to wind down and micromanage things. It has been truly life changing.

It was fun to 100% although it can get repetitive and the flying levels suck.

A childhood game that will forever stay in good memory.

I'm glad I played it, but the short length may bother some people.

Everything comes together wonderfully, and things are left up to interpretation story wise. In the middle of a second play through, minimalist game design at its finest.

A splendid time, deserves its credit in right doing for allowing up to 4 player 2D platforming.

Nothing ground breaking otherwise, but a good casual game.

An excellent time playing with gravity and simple combat. Kat is a wonderful, charming, and honest protagonist who I'd root for. The game is short and sweet (which is for the best), it only takes about the 10 hours for the main story.

I played this game on PS4, I do not know the context of the PS Vita version. The visuals of this game are distinct and iconic. It has some sort of dystopian steam punk esque style.

Now to say what I did not think was great about this game. The combat doesn't have much depth, it can get a little repetitive. While it can be looked passed by most people, the story is very bare bones.

I look forward to playing the sequel, which could garner a 5 star rating if it plays its cards right

Play Gravity Rush if you're looking for:
- An easy to play game
- Good visuals
- Cute female protagonist
- Short and sweet game

I have good memories of this game, but I have to mention the micro transactions, poor balancing, and toxic community that persisted for years. Better played casually than competitively.

Pretty solid title. Not every sport is a banger, but there’s a little something for everyone. I personally liked the sword fighting and exploring the island with planes.