this game was absolute heat growing up now everytime I play it I vomit a little

This game is like crack cocaine to me I've played it 5 times in a week

While definitely a step down from X4 for sure, I still found myself rather enjoying X5, and I thought the story was actually pretty good with some nice emotional moments at the end. Yeah I'm aware of the stupid decisions with the game, especially in regards to the item game, but I can't help but not care, also the weapons and falcon armor are mad fun

I should not enjoy this game as much as I should, nor should I like this as much as any sane person would, but I honestly do, I'm well aware of the flaws and to be honest I really did not like the problems, the injured reploids, the bullshit difficulty left me really frustrated at times, the leaps of faith, the nightmares, and all that stuff, and yet I actually had fun with it, I found the weapons really fun and useful, with the charged versions having good and honestly pretty unique uses, like charged ice burst, meteor rain, guard shell, a good amount of the normal versions are good too like yammar option and magma blade, magma blade was so fun I loved the armors in the game minus the falcon armor, both of them were really fun and supported two different-ish playstyles really well, I loved that they gave X the Z-Saber as an attack and option, as not only is it fitting with how X5 ended, but it's also supported really well by the game and its armors and some of the design, and it doesn't feel like an afterthought. They fleshed out alia really well in this as well and I found it genuinely interesting. So is this game good? Objectively nah, there are a lot of huge flaws with it, but for me the positives allowed me to really have fun with and dig the game, and although the game should've ended on X5, I don't think this game is the worst in the series, in fact I think I'd even take it over X7 for sure and maybe even X3

I was gonna give this a 1 star originally but A-Trans bumped it up to 1.5 because trans axl

A-Trans but good

also banger armors and movement

Def not as mid as everyone says it is or as mid as I remember

but it definitely has kinks that need to be ironed out

REALLY really fun game, the forms were a really fun addition and they managed to iron out the kinks from Zero 1 splendidly

Holy shit this game is fucking amazing, one of the best games I've ever played, and easily it takes it spot as one of the best mega man games out there, the ending hit surprisingly hard too and the story was good

Truly rest in peace dragalia, you were an amazing time and I was glad to have you while you were there. I was able to meet amazing friends and be apart of a truly special and kind community, and I had years worth of fun with your simple yet rewarding gameplay with a great team building aspect. Not to mention the story that actually managed to interest and captivate me. Top it all off with fun characters and great visuals and music, and it's something that will always leave an impact. You will forever be precious to me, and Vio Rhyse Alberia.

bro I'm gonna fucking cry that ending is so good yet honestly pretty fucking sad to me, zero my boy you make me wanna cry tears of joy and sadness

I love stacking devil trigger and X factor and then proceeding to instantly kill a full hp dante with a level 3

I love sin so much

I wish flags were real