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I told myself I wouldn't cry, but then Johnny told us goodbye and then I fell into pieces. It's followed up by the fact that nearly everyone is gone and everything has changed. Vincent/Valerie can no longer use combat enhancements and has to start from ground zero. But, hey, V is still alive, right? However, my heart and soul are crushed and I will never recover. I just want V to be happy.

this game gives you so much serotonin it's ridiculous

Feels like home. That's what this game feels like to me.

One of the first visual novels I've played and completed. I went into this game thinking it was one thing and then came out on the other side completely blown away and arguably a different person. It's an experience. One I think I would recommend to anyone that wants a compelling story and characters you end up caring deeply for. It does have peaks and valleys when it comes to pacing at times, but it had me on my toes just wondering what would happen next, and that's not something a lot of games can do for me as the player. It takes something special, and The House of Fata Morgana definitely is. If you're still questioning about whether or not you should play this. Please don't! You won't regret it!

The atmosphere and the soundtrack still remain one of my favorite things about this game. It just has a way of sticking with you even years after you experience it. I guess that's just a testament to what a masterpiece it is.

Okay, so, this is probably my third review I've ever written in my entire life. I guess that says a lot about how certain games impact me over others. This one is no exception.

If you're looking for a casual game with really dynamic/quirky characters and compelling dialogue, this is for you.
It's not hard to find yourself loving your aloof main protagonist either, and as the story progresses you start finding many of these characters have a certain level of depth and meaning behind their behaviors and attitudes.
Also, it's easy to stop and come back at a later point if you need a break. The soundtrack is something I even pull up on Spotify on occasion too; yes, it's that good.

Overall, this is very solid and engaging. The replay value is incredibly high as well. I'd recommend this to anyone.