this shit sucks major balls. playing this game makes me want to kill myself

Really enjoyed the story, unfolded in a way that really drew me in. Gameplay was fun too I loved the traversal and structures system. BTs and mules became a bit too easy around half way through but other than that it was great. Graphics and soundtrack were amazing too.

My first yakuza game, was a near perfect intro to the series i loved it. Combat and story were super engaging and soundtrack was rly good too.

uuuhh was pretty good has some good tunes, idk story and combat were just ok. but gets bonus points cuz it introduced akiyama

not as good as 0 imo, story was a little weaker but still overall fun game, majima everywhere was probs my fav part of the game.

this game is fun af but if you use the boats fuck you

i like playing this game i think that it is fun

best from soft game, was an amazing culmination of all the games that came before it. The open world worked really well and had a great sense of exploration. Played it multiple times and 100%'ed it.