Games Played in 2023 Ranked

I guess Ill rank em as I go. Dont take the specific rankings too seriously, especially those at the top but not in the top 3 and those at the bottom, theyre pretty interchangeable and I could change my mind retroactively

Abstract Driver
Abstract Driver
low effort, might have been good if it leaned into its hypnotic quality but its just unfinished. Only cost me like less than a dollar so whatever
Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Im being pretty generous here. Beyond being based and the sheer funny novelty of "palestinian max payne" the original is undercooked and the remake is basically in early access. Thankfully you get both bundled into one for the same price but just bear in mind its quite rough around the edges. Fun though
J-Town: A Visual Novel
J-Town: A Visual Novel
Its just a PSA basically, a bit corny but inoffensive
Frank and Drake
Frank and Drake
get fucked
Star Explorers
Star Explorers
Its a budget No Man's Sky, harmless if not too amazing
Cache Grabbers
Cache Grabbers
Cool little cartography game
Desta: The Memories Between
Desta: The Memories Between
its okay but roguelike elements are pointless
The Vigilant Villa
The Vigilant Villa
Mostly compelling, but let down by subpar translation, transparent branching and a shit ending
Couple of gags
A Hint of Purple
A Hint of Purple
It might not work for you, but by god it worked for me
The Archipelago
The Archipelago
Just Boring honestly
Be A Rock
Be A Rock
low effort
Mythic Ocean
Mythic Ocean
Its fine... Basically an adventure game/vn set in a sort of choose your own adventure creation myth underwater. Its alright
Charming Solarpunk platformer
Isle of Pan
Isle of Pan
Charmingly amateurish photography sim
Another Pokémon Game
Another Pokémon Game
Not funny, didnt laugh
4ever Transit Authority
4ever Transit Authority
Stare out da window
The Solitaire Conspiracy
The Solitaire Conspiracy
Fucking annoying fmv prick, die!
idk its a short vn
The Tale of the ADHD Dinosaur
The Tale of the ADHD Dinosaur
He just like me fr
Vesp: a History of Sapphic Scaphism
Vesp: a History of Sapphic Scaphism
Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice and Dabs
Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice and Dabs
Thought it would be a shitpost but its surprisingly sincere. I can't really be mad
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
An Impressive attempt at a port, but I would much rather just play the arcade
Controls have a learning curve, but classic
Forza Polpo
Forza Polpo
Almost good, but far too aggravating
End of Edge
End of Edge
Skill issue but fuck off
River Bones
River Bones
It Comes in Waves
It Comes in Waves
Lovely Atmospheric Exploration game/survival sim about the grieving process
Red Tape
Red Tape
Its a comedy game that didnt make me laugh
I love Imperialism!
What If George Washington Was a Girl?
What If George Washington Was a Girl?
Why did I play this?
Addicting Urban fantasy jrpg. A bit samey and the plot is nothing but I like the combat and thats enough for me
If: Walls Could Answer
If: Walls Could Answer
regrettably mid puzzler, pretty artstyle but pretentious as all hell
Betrayal At Club Low
Betrayal At Club Low
An interesting evolution of Cosmo D, slightly infuriating at times but funny and cool
Really cool 0 tutorialisation roguelike
Ibis AM
Ibis AM
Man cannot live on quirk alone
Windfolk: Sky Is Just the Beginning
Windfolk: Sky Is Just the Beginning
A short game I wish was shorter
That Which Gave Chase
That Which Gave Chase
More like that which sucked balls
Fucker Gamer Scum Get Stabbed
Fucker Gamer Scum Get Stabbed
What were they thinking?!
4-Lung Boy
4-Lung Boy
Golden Boy, Born To Love and Live For Joy, I'm a Golden Boy
Tetris & Dr. Mario
Tetris & Dr. Mario
Another one of those games who's message I vibe with but must put down. Its a pro pedestrian horror walking sim. Mostly its this high cause the in game phone had an "audiobook" app which opened up the steam browser to the librevox page for Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and thats both funny and based
The Burrito Quest
The Burrito Quest
Like Frog detective but bad
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie
In truth I really did enjoy it, but that ending among other things keep me from putting it any higher
Cycle Chaser H-5
Cycle Chaser H-5
Cool shmup
Shape of Mind
Shape of Mind
Idk maybe I am dumb but after a couple halos I just felt kinda frustrated by the process of building new ones
Pretty cool VN about a taxi driver in Chapinero, Bogotá
Very ambitious, I think its the first game to have horizontal scrolling? Whatever the case it was definitely the one to popularize the concept
Lame, honestly
The Chameleon
The Chameleon
I was halfway enjoying this stealth game (a rare thing for me) when I got softlocked by a bug.
Left a sour taste in my mouth, could have been good
Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina
Like when I watched Eraserhead : How boring for such a weird thing
Bus Simulator 23
Bus Simulator 23
Good vibes, a personal story about nostalgia, growing apart from your friends and our expectations for our own lives told in 30 mins through a minimalistic retro inspired bus simulator, its akin to an indie short film
Again feels odd to rank, but here I guess. Its a short experimental and deeply personal interactive music album about bipolar disorder
Dear Future
Dear Future
Again feels odd ranking this. It was a cool experiment
dropped pretty soon, just didnt enjoy solving the puzzles ig
One Night: Burlesque
One Night: Burlesque
Its fine
Paws of Coal
Paws of Coal
Lovely medical/epidemiological detective game which is tragically riddled with bugs
Its so disappointing man, starts off as a cute little historical sailing RPG but it just cant sustain itself, the game becomes grindy and shit and the questionable portrayals get more egregious
Bird Museum
Bird Museum
Where the hell do I even rank this? I liked it I guess but didnt rate it cause why
Little Party
Little Party
Adrift in Turbulent Waters
Adrift in Turbulent Waters
Quite like these Bitsy games. I like how even though the map loops, the yachts are on the "higher" area doing fine and the struggling people are on the "lower" area
This is absolutely insanely ambitious for Atari 2600 and disproves my intuition that no 2600 would be all that complex to require a guide. Insane. Also dope cover art
Card Cowboy
Card Cowboy
Lovely, charming, funny and short
Daily Thread: The Sewing of Discontent
Daily Thread: The Sewing of Discontent
Cool little historical sewing sim
Torus Trooper
Torus Trooper
Good vibes
How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness
How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness
Great first impression, shame about the rest of the game
Skator Gator 3D
Skator Gator 3D
Pretty Cool 3D Platformer, if you like the grinding sections in 3D sonic games this is probably the game for you. Short and cheap
im too impatient for this shit
Once Again
Once Again
Trite, forced and manipulative
Wayward Strand
Wayward Strand
Lovely narrative adventure game about helping out at a geriatric wing of a hospital. The mundaneity, humanity and independence of these characters from the player are wonderful to see
A Hand With Many Fingers
A Hand With Many Fingers
I feel, conflicted about it
Adventure Game/Walk Sim about a cult, gripping
Demon Turf: Neon Splash
Demon Turf: Neon Splash
More like Demon Turd: Toilet Splash ha gottem
Sapphire Lung
Sapphire Lung
Interactive Fiction piece about fictional disease in industrial environment
Istanbul, Texas
Istanbul, Texas
Yeah, trash that record store!
Ballistic Zen
Ballistic Zen
Its good but man does the difficulty spike
To Hell With the Ugly
To Hell With the Ugly
A charming, energetic adventure game adaptation of the boris vian novel of the same name
Darkest of Days
Darkest of Days
Somehow, mowing down confederate soldiers with futuristic weaponry just isnt enough to compensate for the tedium and shittiness
Automaton Lung
Automaton Lung
Kino platformer/run and gun
meh, mediocre doom clone. You get to punch neonazis and cops though
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
almost feel this game, but I guess not quite enough
Traveler's Game
Traveler's Game
Cool but outstays its welcome
The Citizen Kane of Video Games
The Citizen Kane of Video Games
Alas, most of this game's innovations were really taken from German Expressionist game design
Star Fetchers
Star Fetchers
Pretty cool but jesus christ if I am required to wall jump one more time I will uninstall the game when it comes out
Majin and Sacrificial Girl
Majin and Sacrificial Girl
Short, sweet and kind of freaky
Aurora's Journey and the Pitiful Lackey
Aurora's Journey and the Pitiful Lackey
Certified Kusoge
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue
Pretty cool diving sim
Haiku, the Robot
Haiku, the Robot
A Good Gardener
A Good Gardener
Answer These 10 Questions And I'll Tell You What Kind of Lover You Are
Answer These 10 Questions And I'll Tell You What Kind of Lover You Are
Interesting idea, cringe execution
My Child: Lebensborn Remastered
My Child: Lebensborn Remastered
Timeless classic cooked up by Apple's own Steve Wozniak
Fading Afternoon
Fading Afternoon
I liked Ringo a lot better


1 year ago

Found this list by accident and just wishlisted a bunch of stuff, thanks. =P

1 year ago

@CDX Glad to help

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