So there is a ton to like about this game.
The characters are charismatic , the story is narcos in game form , the checklist style missions are unexpectedly fun and the guns and vehicles respond very very well to stimulus. The game is also quite challenging if you want to avoid going all guns blazing (even then it is not COD level easy shooting).

Unfortunately it misses its potential due to some glaring flaws. Firstly the game is too long for its own good , and some missions are just padding. The side missions and collectibles are accessible but painfully boring in the traditional ubisoft mold. All the DLC time missions are just plain atrocious and full of jank, speaking of which the game can be very buggy and janky , your guy can get stuck in random debris or opponents just detect you for no reason. As an example, The operation silent spade dlc mission involves defending an npc but the opponents just speed off in his direction from all sides and just crush him under their wheels , driving so fast that if you kill the vehicle also it reaches the npc and blows up on him.

Yeah the gameplay and story are pretty good, but it misses the mark in its execution and shows a lack of playtesting more some missions.

Eitherway , i had a lot of fun over a long time except towards the end, and i still recommend this game, just play only the main story and none of the jank dlc missions or boring side missions!

Old Ezio is really fun and the setting is stunning. The story remains amazing as usual with the older assassins creed games and characters and parkour are as interesting as ever.

Palworld is a flawed game that is fun only for a limited amount of time.

Dont get me wrong, this was quite fun to binge over a week with mates. In fact, I could think of nothing else for a good long week except what I will do next in this game. It is also way way way better than anything pokemon offers to a long time fan like me. You feel involved, the game is goofy as hell with dark undertones that work (until they dont). I also appreciate the fact that this is an early access game (from a dev who literally nevers goes out of early access really) and is very full of content by those standards.
But the game is just... dead behind the eyes. Once the novelty wears off, its quite grindy and has seemingly no end goal. There is really nothing except the "paldex" to fill. The battles get repetitive over time. Lets not even mention the creative liberties the devs have taken here, the game becoming a mish mash of mechanics from better games.
It is a great amount of fun for 20-30 hours and maybe it will be fleshed out eventually. Maybe this will be an all timer, the pokemon killer (lol), the go to multiplayer game. It just isnt that yet.
Still I can recommend giving it a try, a novel pokemon (but better) experience as it definitely scratches the itch left behind by lack of good pokemon games in creature collector genre.

The last good Age of Empires game, as I am not a big fan of Age of empires 4, this was a great conclusion to the original trilogy (?).
The differences from Age of empires 2 were minimal, the graphics were touched up a little bit and the story and storytelling was different. Still you dont need to change what isnt broke. This is a good game in its own right.
I have to say even though I really loved the stories it told, if i choose to split hairs, they arent told as well as Age of empires 2.
Still the design and sounds retain their taste and style and a good time was had playing age of empires 3. I would recommend a try for anyone interested in history and RTS games.

You know what , this is the kind of game for adults with a schedule. A game that is a ton of fun, is fast as hell , great story telling (literally) and style and most importantly doesnt overstay its welcome. Its oozing charm and has ageless graphics.
The game can be difficult if you want it to be and the duels are really well done. How can you not have fun dual weilding six shooters !!
In a five hour package, this game absolutely takes you on a journey, has a setting , has a story, an interesting twist and a wraps up nicely at the end leaving you really satisfied.
Additionally, it is on sale on steam very very often and is literally the price of a coffee at 3 euros. Definitely one of the best games to steal on a sale !!!

Hey, if I say that this game has nothing else except its cutesie aesthetic, how will you defend it ?
Atleast for me, there isnt any defense, it is bland and boring, a slightly modified soulslike combat system and a generic boring save the world as the chosen one story that I just did not connect with.
I do not see much value in this game , there are better cutesie games like ori. There are better soulslike games like...well .. dark souls. Still if it really gelled together I would be appreciating it. Nioh is just a faster souls game in japan, overthrown by sekiro for most people. Yet, I loved it.
This doesnt work well enough for me to be even close to that. Very forgettable, very generic. Not very fun. Cannot recommend it with a good conscience.

Hey unpopular opinion here , but the length of this game actually suits it !
Yes yes its shorter than a frickin tech demo, has a fair bit of janky control at times, but if you ignore the length and the rare jank and just enjoy the fast paced fun ride , this is actually pretty cool.
Also it has to be said its a very very gorgeous game crafted carefully by ONE developer!
I dont care about the intentional s*xual skins section as the gameplay does not reference it and is just a very fast paced fun FPS that you can finish off in 2 hours. The game also is surprisingly challenging and engaging , and the gunplay itself is jank free and crisp.
Ofcourse there is no worthwhile story to speak off but the mechanics and beauty carry this short and sweet game that would have worn out its welcome if it was any longer.
I think its worth trying in its current state as a shut your mind and have fun for 2 hours option

One of the best battlefield single player campaigns with an endearing squad and fun story and gameplay

The game is fantastic and the story flows very naturally and is very intriguing to play through. The gameplay is also much more crisp from earlier and the new characters are all very interesting. Good middle child of a great series.

The graphics are very washed out and look weird. But with that out of the way, the actual game, its mechanics, the world building and story telling are immaculate. One of Bethesdas best works and worth playing for sure as long as you are not a graphics nerd

I understand that it is an indie game and it does have an attractive premise, but the game is not very good due to all the rough edges. The game is infested with bugs and can be borderline impossible to play at times.
When it works the game is alright, but nothing to go out of your way and deal with the numerous bugs.

A completely stunning sandbox of a game that really lets you explore your abilities and tells a great story. It was a thrilling run from start to finish , exploring different options abilities and gameplay mechanics as Corvo glides around the screen killing (or subduing) all kinds of enemies.
The graphics are timeless and the story is interesting , even if a bit obvious.
The tools that you have are crisp and have a purpose. The enemies are well tuned too , if a bit dumb and the environmental story telling is just chefs kiss .

An absolutely timeless game that is worth trying atleast once!

This is a campaign review and by god can a campaign be ruined by a flat central protagonist. Iden versio is one of the blandest most boring protagonists i have ever played as. She has no emotions at all and just ...moves through the plot.
The story itself is alright and playing as meeko or shriv would instantly have made the campaign much more memorable.
The ingredients are all there , the gunplay is crisp and the other characters have a soul and personality. Unfortunately the result is less than the sum of its parts and the protagonist really drags down any semblance of an immersive experience.
If you just wanna burn a few hours on a quick fun star wars based story without paying attention to the story itself then sure give it a try, but beyond that stick to the multiplayer (Unfortunately multiplayer support is apparently ending too).
This just aint it chief.

My favourite game ever, Witcher 3 really really sells its whole setup and style and theme over a very very chunky time frame.
Everything is immersive without being extreme.
The movement and great, running and horseriding both give you realistic medieval fnatasy feelings.
The combat is the weakest link in this strongest of games, very basic and can easily be either too grindy or too easy depending on where you are in the game. The use of items and potions has been relegated to an unnecessary option as Geralt can just melt enemies and heal with great ease. We write it down as quality of life change here alright?
Now the story and the side quests (which are part of the story!!!! yayyy immersion!!) are just immaculate, designed by people who understand the time period, the folklore and the source material books. It is well set up , full of wonderful set pieces and fun moments. The relationships are romantic, the enemies are fleshed out and his affection for Ciri feels real and tangible.
The last note must go the absolutely stunning music! I still listen to some of it years on, it is just a beautiful piece of the backdrop that stayed with me for life :)
Witcher 3 is the first game recommendation from me to anyone ever, it is literally one of the best games ever made, with almost everything developed with care and written with love. Absolutely play this gorgeous piece of art and ask others to play it !

I want to make it really clear, I have NEVER rated a game below 2/5 before. This is the lowest rated game I have ever had the displeasure of "playing".
I say it like that because I spent actual money on this shit and the trash is soooooo buggy that I could not escape the first two screens. It would not let me past the setting of brightness etc because the bugs either threw the screen off whack or wont respond to key presses or the server doesnt connect.
Thats right I tried it many times and each time I encountered a NEW bug !!
For gods sake EA, I really want to like and play your games.
Dont make it impossible for us to do so.
(I understand this might be specific to me and your game may just work fine and be fun, I just cannot recommend a piece of broken junk on my review though)