I know that this released as a joke, a clone of lethal company in many ways, but I would say its a whole game in its own right. It has all the problems that lethal company has dont get me wrong, but it has all the fun squad shenanigans as well. In fact, my opinion is that it freshens up the concept a lot and is actually a great parody of youtuber culture.
Great game with the same short fun time experience that plummets when you get good, I suggest getting your squad together and having a 5-6 games of good times before you drop it with good memories and a smile (and a ton of clips to laugh at!)

The game exploded and let me tell you it has certainly earned the hype. There is no lie in their sell, its a co-op game, its fun with friends, its crazy shenanigans all around as you see in the streams.
The issue is, its a limited experience, fun till you figure it out.
You need to suck at lethal company to have fun with it ! That is the only true issue and concern with this game. Since you and your squad will get good at this eventually, it because super monotonic and boring after 5-6 attempts.
Additionally this game is basically a borefest solo. As such, unfortunately , lethal company is a great game with a few too many caveats for enjoyment. Still , if you have a squad to play with, you should definitely jump into a few rounds of lethal company to create some cool memories (I rate lethal company similar to among us in many ways)!

A math game masquerading as a horror game, buckshot roulette is exceedingly simple to pick up but potentially very complex.
The design is purposeful and the barebones lore and non-existent story that i generally whine about is really not a problem here, infact adding to the crisp experience.
The music is catchy and the sound design is very impactful.
The gameloop is really just very addicting and mobile-game like. You play russian roulette with some poweruos that help you tilt the odds in your favour. And thats it.
Luckily thats all it needs to be at the less than 3 euros price point and is a very easy recommend from me.

Dark souls 2, regardless of whether its the original or scholar of the first sin version, remains the black sheep of fromsoftware's soulsy catalogue. Yet the black sheep of this stellar family is still a game worth and holds up compared to its competition.

There is just something missing here, the game design is not as crisp and has a put together kinda feel to it. The enemy positioning, boss runbacks and hitboxes are straight up garbage. The game is also longer than its siblings which has a repetitive unpolished vibe to it.

Yet the core values remain, the atmospheric melancholy , the stellar lore and storyline and the beautiful music is just as beautiful as what came before and after it.

I do recommend this game, as long as you know what you are walking into, a beautiful but flawed game that really really loves its gank fights.

I want to make it really clear, I have NEVER rated a game below 2/5 before. This is the lowest rated game I have ever had the displeasure of "playing".
I say it like that because I spent actual money on this shit and the trash is soooooo buggy that I could not escape the first two screens. It would not let me past the setting of brightness etc because the bugs either threw the screen off whack or wont respond to key presses or the server doesnt connect.
Thats right I tried it many times and each time I encountered a NEW bug !!
For gods sake EA, I really want to like and play your games.
Dont make it impossible for us to do so.
(I understand this might be specific to me and your game may just work fine and be fun, I just cannot recommend a piece of broken junk on my review though)

This was such a shame. I was really looking forward to this game. All the outlets I follow were looking forward to this game. It was really fun for the first 5 runs.
Then it dawns on you why video games are not made by gamers and actual professionals instead.
The building part is quite boring and like a chore. The runs can vary wildly in quality as any player made content tends to be. Most of the runs are just random trial and error bases at higher difficulty or simple run to the end and back with good grappling hook use.The lore is ultra generic too.
It just does not work like everyone expected it to, and as such, it is genuinely difficult to recommend.

This whole DLC pack was a whimper. The base game was a blast. I guess they had to phone it in eventually huh? The silver lining storyline is not as bad as the 2nd DLC, but it remains a boring extension that was maybe not necessary.
Well I guess sable is hot and interesting. The dynamic she has with spidey is semi interesting but predictable. Yuri going full psycho is interesting too I guess.
Thats about all I found worth remembering in this part unfortunately. Anyway, Hammerhead remains the least interesting villian in the game. The new enemies are at best reskins. The side missions are just as much a chore as ever before.
Nothing to write home about here. If I wasnt chasing the 100% I would not have played this. Wouldnt have missed much in all honesty.
I guess its still serrvicable, as is the whole DLC package. If you really must have more spidey, it scratches that itch!

Honestly, this DLC is kinda shit. New enemies are annoying, hammerhead is one of the least interesting spider man villians and he maggia storyline is just tooooooo boring.
Add this to a game that is starting to lose its glow due to repetition and its clear that there is very little that wows you in this storyline.
Yeah being spiderman in this game is awesome, for the base game it absolutely is. The DLCs have a slight half assed feel to them by comparison though adding very little and with a lot of padding. NOTHING from this story stays with you except that you completed the game 100%.
And that is shit game design however you slice it. This is carried by the base game completely, and I do not recommend it in isolation whatsoever.

The least shit of the three DLCs, the catwoman saga is the beginning of the end for this game through no fault of its own. The charm and enjoyment of this game comes from a beautiful open world that is a great showcase of modern day tech as you zip and swing around in the game.
Unfortunately 20 hours in, it starts to get a bit repetitive and boring. The few new additions like the new enemy type and stuff is counterbalanced by just chore like side missions, which was justttttt starting to get boring in the base game and here it totally breaks the camel's back. I have to mention that if you choose to not 100% the game this might not be an issue for you.
The story is servicable enough and the seductress cat woman actually adds jeopardy to the story. Still, its all a bit meh except one optional side mission reveal that I will not spoil.
All in all its not as fun as the base game got me expecting, and that is a bit of a shame.
I still recommend it, preferably after a little break from spiderman so you actually are interested again.

Shooting hell up jamming to metal music is just too addicting.
The game actually even has a passable story and a hilarious southern accented narrator to add to it.
The music is really cool and actually makes playing this game for over an hour really risky because of how aggressively it gets your blood pumping.
The weapons I used, shotgun and crossbow have inherent rhythms to them and I had a blast as a (completely tone deaf) metal music enjoyer.
Just an absolute pleasure to run through and one of the easiest recommends, the only gripe I had is the extremely tight calibration for the timings. The boss battles and the shield enemies can perhaps also use some work.
Nevertheless, if you like DOOM, metal music or rhythm shooters like BPM, this is a must try!

Oh my oh my. I really really tried to love ready or not. It had all the right ideas. The game design was to my taste, the guns were punchy, the tactical aspects were more than just gimmicks and I actually really like the mission struture here in the same way I like Splinter Cell Blacklist's, a progressing case checklist/mission world map.
I even like the pulsing of music in frenetic moments and the eerie silence in quiet moments.
Unfortunately 5 missions in, I encountered a game breaking bug. The trap grenades and their wires on doors were completely invisible. I checked online if I am just blind or not using the mirrorgun right but apparently this indeed is an actual bug. The prevalence of trap grenaded doors in this game means progress was basically impossible beyond this point. It was super super disappointing and annoying, the only reason for a decent score being the fact that I had fun for a bit before it.
Still, I cannot recommend a game that can randomly make it impossible to play :/

A very servicable sniping experience to relive your toxic call of duty days. I kid, but only a little.
Sniper Elite 4 is a very straightforward experience, there are a ton of nazis out there hauling around eisenballs (please laugh at my limited german) and you are a guy with a big at gun, useful for popping those eisenballs.
The rest really is forgettable set dressing and for me thats alright. I like a game once in a while that just lets me shut off my brain and zoom in at a target and pop it.
The visuals are sufficiently pretty and the sound design definitely adds to the experience.
The story is just an excuse to go sniping and I forgot all about in like 30 minutes. Again thats ok.
I recommend Sniper Elite 4, as long as you know exactly what you are jumping into, a simple dumb shoot em in the nazi balls simulator.

Played through this with mates for like 70% of its runtime I guess, and I cant lie. It was fun, a lot of fun. But then sitting in a room with a stick and a piece of plastic might be fun with friends.
The game is not much by itself to me, the backrooms concept does not really inspire fear for me and few jumpscares aside, I did not find the game super engaging beyond the excellent sound design.
The missions are quite obtuse but I guess that was intentional.
This is the quintessential meh game you play one time and have fun with, but never go back to. I do not know how much of the one day of fun was because it was a day spent shooting the sheit with mates and how much was the actual game. But I have to credit it as a very servicable concept and bugless gameplay. I also have to truly respect a game that managed to bring old friends back together for a fun long holiday afternoon.
Give it a try if you are a fan of backrooms horror and/or have a day to be spent with mates playing games.


I played raft with some mates and that the game was pretty neat originally. The game had a well hidden story, and a lot to do.
The problem is, it had a lot of boring monotonous crap to do befere any interesting stuff comes along.
The gameplay is generic super basic survival crafter activities that somehow still sometimes manage to be clunky. The music and visuals are also just as generic as the rest of the game. In all honesty, if I had not played this with mates this would not pass as a pleasant experience.
And now I am starting to ask myself: was it fun due to the game or despite it?
Do not touch this solo, and play multiplayer if you are really out of options. (And I am saying all this when I got this game for like 1 euro!!!)

Get Even has an intriguing setup. A detective who has ended up in a situation beyond his comprehension. The semi horror aspect of what has transpired. Who is Black exactly? Who is Red? What is going on here? There is certainly a mystery that grabs you at the onset.
Im sorry though, it just isnt fun to play. The story goes nowhere, the gameplay is really really clunky and boring. The sound design is as generic as it comes and so is the token pretty graphics. I was bored like ...20 minutes in. I like short games, I like story based games, I like mystery and puzzle games. This is not a good version of any of those things.
The strongest aspect, the story, gets soooo muddled and confusing and obtuse so quickly. Maybe I am just too dumb to get it? Perhaps. Maybe you can have a good time with this game. I just couldnt, to a point where I marked as abandoned, not shelved, because I really feel sure Im not touching it again, and that really is a shame.