A short and sweet experience , it is hard to justify superliminal as the masterpiece it actually is.
Honestly for a puzzle game based on optical illusions and perspectives is such a simple genius concept and it is executed with great skill and style here.
I would have said that the story is lacklustre but for a 3 hour experience thats a good story and the ending is truly beautiful, truly worth experiencing.
The gameplay has no real mechanics , pick rotate drop move and jump is the exhaustive list of your abilities. But the depth comes from the puzzles themselves.
The good thing about a short game is that they can afford using fresh ideas fleetingly all the time wothout repetition and nothing in superliminal repeats itself.
The only negative i can come up with is how obtuse and misleading a few of the puzzles can be at times. But i guess it is quite intentional here anyway.
I would really recommend giving it a try for all puzzler aficionados and i really loved my time with it (and wow i loved that message at the end )

My second ever pokemon game, the true kanto experience , without the janky brokenness of the original games, Pokemon firered and leafgreen have a special place in my heart.
This game makes you feel like the anime protagonist ash on his first journey through kanto, the evil team is team rocket, the gym leaders are the same, the roster is the same. Legendaries are rare and feel legendary.
The music feels epic during battles and the story is acceptable made great by the anime and nostalgia.
The game just is what pokemania is all about. A cosy creature collector and turn based battler that spawned the greatest media franchise of all time.
Do try this game and experience a bit of gaming history and fall in love with this undying franchise of fun and discovery (and strategy in the battles ofcourse if you intend to test your mettle against other people).
This is where it all began for me and many others and you will see that most of us will harbor great fondness for this generation of pokemon games.

Sinnoh, the filling between two beloved generations of pokemon. And honestly it matches both in many areas.
The game has it all, the high stakes story, god like legendaries and a beautifully designed roster. The physical special attacks split was a groundbreaking change for the battle system.
The music is great too and the challenge from some trainers like cynthia is the kind of skin of the teeth battle you witness in the anime.
The only thing is the battles can be really reallly slow at times, sometimes excruciatingly long. Still I would say if you can ignore this flaw, the game is just as good if not better than the previous and following generations.
I absolutely recommend the gen 4 games (but absolutely not the remakes).

Scarlet and Violet have great ideas, the story is actually well crafted by pokemon's rather low standards. The pokemon themselves are full of personality and it is indeed the first full mainline open world pokemon game. The endgame even has decent challenge (except the dumb as hell champion)!
Unfortunately it hurts your eyes to look at and remains very very very buggy 2 years on! The pokemon company is just soooooo complacent. The mismanagement of this greatest of franchises is crazy. How do you enjoy a game that can sometimes run at 10 fps and the draw distance is at times 3 centimeters? You can't. Atleast I can't. This is just such a shame. This could have been a great fun pokemon game, a return to fame.
Alas the wait goes on. I do not recommend this at all. Play the old games or knockoffs like cassette beasts and palworld, dont touch this steaming pile of crap.

This is the last great pokemon game before the quality of the series nosedived and never recovered. It absolutely blows the previous game out of the water regarding the roster as well as story.
Talking of the story, this is undoubtedly the must mature well constructed story in pokemon games ever. Everyone from the rivals to the villians are well crafted and developed with care.
It is also the most challenging pokemon game along with platinum (thanks to cynthia ofcourse), providing a proper kick for people interested in pokemon battles.
This is the last great pokemon experience in my opinion and and as such totally worth a try so you can also sit here and wonder how the hell has pokemon failed to build on this excellent platform.

If I never played the upgraded versions that came after I would say that Pokemon black and white are great games, a soft reboot of the franchise with pokemon designs analogous to the first generation. The story was the most fleshed out of all the pokemon games and the difficulty was just perfect for a veteran like me.
Unfortunately, Black 2 and white 2 exist. And they really really blow this game out of the water. Nothing like pokemon when it comes to walk back on the soft reboot idea huh?
Still the game is good , and my rating is perhaps a bit unfair. I just cannot recommend a game with honesty when an objectively better version exists.
Still the story starts here and is built upon in the follow up games. If thats the sort of thing that interests you this is absolutely worth your while. This is indeed a very unique pokemon story that is worth experiencing for longtime pokemon fans.

Please note that Im reviewing this for the Johto part only, though I absolutely do appreciate getting a 2 for 1 Kanto in one game. Still I cannot give a game the credit earned by the previous one.
By itself Johto is not as fun as I was hoping it would be. The firmly believe that Johto has the weakest pokemon roster of the early generations. The designs are personally not as good what came and after, and for someone who plays pokemon competitively, very few Johto pokemon are considered conventionally strong (there are few exceptions like Tyranitar ofcourse).
The story was still very good, very enjoyable, but it is indeed the oldest game I have played in the pokemon series and it is very easy to break the game (just use snorlax and its gg). There are also the gym leaders, almost all of them are shit at their job and quite a few like whitney and claire are annoying too.
I dont know, its the least interesting old generation of pokemon for me and I will only recommend it to religious pokemon fans.

It is really really difficult to think of any other RTS that I remember more fondly than Age of Empires 2. It is the peak of its genre, not too basic nor overloaded with mechanics.
This is the game I go to when I want to play a cerebral round of RTS while retaining a bit of gameyness.
The story is perfect, told with skill and care. The character models are well designed and tell the history of the race and their culture on their own!
The sound design is full of intent and fits the game.
Its just a great game, the peak of its genre. People love it to this day for a reason. Its the seminal game of its genre and the first one I recommend for anyone looking to get into RTS as well as the veterans who might have missed out.

The last good Age of Empires game, as I am not a big fan of Age of empires 4, this was a great conclusion to the original trilogy (?).
The differences from Age of empires 2 were minimal, the graphics were touched up a little bit and the story and storytelling was different. Still you dont need to change what isnt broke. This is a good game in its own right.
I have to say even though I really loved the stories it told, if i choose to split hairs, they arent told as well as Age of empires 2.
Still the design and sounds retain their taste and style and a good time was had playing age of empires 3. I would recommend a try for anyone interested in history and RTS games.

Developed by FUN labs ? yeah that name makes sense!
Prototype 2 is the most fun powertrip. Especially, since you are NOT a superhero good guy. You are free to kill and destroy as you please. And the game makes it reallllllyyyyyyy easy to go on a murderous rampage.
Your kit is also extremely overpowered. The speed of a rocketship and the power of nuke, there is no putting down this game once you get into it.
I loved the music, the combat, the stealth (very very unique compared to usual stealth mechanics) and the style. The characters and story are not necessarily strong, but they are acceptable, an excuse to go ham !
There isnt much else to it, you are a tank of an antihero with very powerful abilities and have a world asking to be played in. Give it a try, you might just get addicted ;)

Well age of empires 4 is not bad. It has all the greatest hits, it is a decent revival of the genre defining series. I still prefer it over the modern day alternatives.
I still dont quite bring myself to like it. The story is not told the same mesmerizing way the previous editions were. The gameplay is more nuanced maybe, but it just doesnt click like age of empires used to for me. Maybe I just grew up, dont have the time for the slow paced RTS gameplay. So I jumped back into Age of empires 2 and I was hooked like the old days. It just doesnt have the charm style and storytelling of its predecessors, swapping them out for polish.
I guess its a matter of preference. Still it is a decent game. I cannot say that it is not worth trying, especially if you are an RTS aficionado. Give it a try!

This is the peak FPS of its era. Half life 2 is the best shooter of its time. Infact that is reductive, its a shooter puzzler semi horror adventure. I loved every bit of it. I burnt through the campaign glued to the story , immersed in the experience.
The sound design was insane for its time. The voice of a psycho in a haunted town, the scary screech of alien crab monsters, the boom of your weapons, everything is memorable.
The story is great too, not topped by many games in its genre if any. There is a reason that we have people hankering for a sequel even 2 decades later.
This is an absolute masterpiece. Even the slightly dated graphics hold up decently. There is no reason to not give it a shot whatsoever (unless shooter literally make you puke i guess). It is the easiest recommend of its era and genre, a must play, a complete gaming experience.

This is with absolute certainty an unabashed shameless god of war copy. Set in mythology (Divine Comedy- Dante alighieri), full of hack and slash gore and an angry protagonist who made grave mistakes.
The thing is, a good copy is still a good game. Plus here the stuff you like in god of war is at times dialed up even further.
The enemies are even more aggressive and ugly. Your abilities are just as crazy as kratos. The nudity is just as blatant.
I burnt through this game with ease, easily immersed just like god of war that I played a decade before it.
Sure it doesnt reach the peaks that the adventure of kratos does. But it is a decent clone and it scratches that itch for me.
If you thirst for the com bat and story of the original god of war series like me, then this is an easy recommend !

The capable father of the champion son. The original Half life learnt how to walk so that half life 2 could run. Still that is selling it a bit short. Half life is a seminal masterpiece in itself.
The first notable instance of a story heavy singleplayer FPS, Half life packs a lot into a short and sweet experience that leaves you wanting more.
You feel like a badass as Gordon Freeman, the facility feels sinister full of wrongdoing, the aliens are otherworldly and scary and the sound design is basically perfect for a pre-2000s game.
There is not much to say. Its a masterpiece, if you can forgive the age, you should absolutely play it. I will still say it is not as great as Half Life 2, and the platforming is horrendous (thats the only reason I gave 4/5).

No, this aint it chief. Fifa has been tumbling down since the mid 2010s peak and the last Fifa, the 23 edition is everything thats wrong the game.
Muddled UI, sub par music, scummy monetization it has all the shit elements of modern Fifa.
The force-fed marketing is basically everywhere and is super annoying.
The game is more realistic. I guess I could just play footie outside then if thats what I wanted.
Scratch that, this is awesome, it made me give up on the trash fifa has become and go play football outside for real.
Absolutely peak EA trash, do not recommend, even from a football lover.