Another one of those shit games that I loved them due to nostalgia, this movie tie in game is objective trash. There is nothing innovative to it, the gameplay is bland and the controls weird.
Thats what I have heard atleast. For me this was the introduction to the terminator universe and story. The game was memorable and the challenge of the weird controls was scaled with glee as a kid.
I loved the game, I do not recommend it, but I really remember it fondly and it will stay with me forever, flaws and all included.

A janky, basic spider man game from the early 2000s is as far away from the recent sony spiderman games as one can get right ? There is an easy case to be made there.
For me though the I like both for the same reason, I am the webslinging, quipy spiderman fighting the laundry list of spider-villians.
I loved that feeling here as a child perhaps even more than the current ones as it was my gateway to comics and I drown in nostalgia thinking of this game.
I will never recommend it to anyone. Its perhaps not a good game in any way. But I loved it as a child, and so even today it makes me smile thinking of it.

The prime FIFA game, great football as you should expect at this point without it being so extremely realistic and slow as the new games. I like a touch of videogameyness in my videogames.
The music was prime, absolutely beautiful. FIFA 14 menus are a better game than FIFA 23 because of those songs.
It was also realised in a time period when I fell in love with the sport so my affection is definitely dripping in nostalgia. Still it is the football game I remember the most fondly and I still long to go back to those days of couch co-op with mates in FIFA 14 :')

Hey, if I say that this game has nothing else except its cutesie aesthetic, how will you defend it ?
Atleast for me, there isnt any defense, it is bland and boring, a slightly modified soulslike combat system and a generic boring save the world as the chosen one story that I just did not connect with.
I do not see much value in this game , there are better cutesie games like ori. There are better soulslike games like...well .. dark souls. Still if it really gelled together I would be appreciating it. Nioh is just a faster souls game in japan, overthrown by sekiro for most people. Yet, I loved it.
This doesnt work well enough for me to be even close to that. Very forgettable, very generic. Not very fun. Cannot recommend it with a good conscience.

Survival games really have me conflicted. Am I to believe this is in the same category as subnautica? Sorry , no.
The game is very very boring which sucks even more because of the interesting spin on the genre. You are a shrunken human and the world you are trying to survive is your lawn. Funny. Interesting.
Not well realised at all. Extremely bland and boring. The fact that I wanted to drop it before the tutorial even ended and that I couldnt remember anything from a game I played for a decent enough amount of time not even that long ago...vindicates my claim.
I dont know, it may be interesting for someone who plays only survival games. Just not for me I guess.

The first ever RTS I played, reign of chaos is the one that got away for me. I was enjoying it a lot , a cerebral concept that you can play for hours, perfecting every aspect.
Unfortunately I lost the save file and the game was lost to time for me. Jumping in during the modern day is not as easy, the game is quite dated and can show its age.
Still what wont I give for a warcraft 3 remake or sequel. Take away all the world of warcraft expansions (to be fair MMORPG is my least favourite genre), give me the RTS back blizzard :'(

My favourite pokemon game, my bias is real with this one perhaps. Even the flaws feel charming to me (like the diving sections).
The story is pretty standard pokemon stuff but the stakes are higher with the evil team almost bringing in an apocalypse.
The pokemon designs are my favourite as a unit, everyone has their favourite based on which one they experienced first so yeah , this is mine.
The sound design is just beautiful and i can absolutely dance around to the battle music !
One last but important thing in its favour is the battle frontier. It is the sole reason that pokemon emerald is probably the singleplayer game i have spent THE MOST time on. It was also the reason i got into pokemon in the first place , and thats an addiction i have maintained even a couple of decades later.
Absolutely love this game , absolutely recommend it to anyone who is willing to play pixel art pokemon games!

The best NFS game ever. For me, the best racing game ever. A young boy who likes cars was always gonna fall for this game.
The game has a surprising decent story, a fun and addicting gameplay loop, and nice progression, both in challenge and your roster of cars.
The music set may be small, but dear god is it catchy, almost two decades on, I still vibe to it sometimes. It also fits really well with the high speed high stakes gameplay.
The wanted system is also very well crafted and maintained, climbing from annoying to holy mother of god. You can lose your cars if you gett busted too often, you can get new cars by beating blacklist racers, the game is very well rounded, thoughtfully crafted and it shows.
The controls are between arcadey and realistic , hitting the right balance and have decent customization for the time the game came out.
Even today, if I had to play a racer, i would choose this one. I must acknowledge that it falls off drastically after the first playthrough (atleast for me) but I absolutely recommend it to anyone who hasnt played it !

Sorry , this is EA at its scummy best, calling it most wanted to cash in on the name of their best NFS game without actually making a game even resembling it.
There is no story first of all. The original most wanted was built around a setup and had a decent story.
There are barely any events, none of them too interesting, the game gets boring really fast.
The sound track is way worse, songs like fired up and nine thou sold the original most wanted, this is not memorable at all in any way.
The only thing this game can claim over Most wanted 2005 is graphics which is expected for a game made 7 years later and anyway the 2005 version's graphics hold up quite well even in the modern day.
Just overall an average racing game that looks even worse in comparison to its namesake.
Clear cash grab based on name, just play most wanted 2005 instead .

GTA 3, the seminal open world game of its time.
I would like to preface this by saying I played GTA 3 after vice city and san andreas. I would also like to mention that game is an experience and a half for the time it was released.
Unfortunately, it is quite a flawed experience. Its also a very very fun experience, but the story is sometimes quite random, the music is better in future installments and the characters are not as fleshed out as future entries.
It should be acknowledged for forming the base for Vice City and San Andreas to build from, the grandfather who walked so the kids could soar.
Unfortunately, as both vice city and san andreas really completely blow it out of the water, I cannot recommend it for any reason except nostalgia and to experience gaming history.

Vice city is a better game than I give it credit for.
Tommy's story is entertaining and has us establish a foothold in the gangster world. The chief antagonist (wont name him to avoid spoiling it) is charismatic and likeable too. The music is also quite good and so is the gameplay for its time.
Unfortunately, I play San Andreas first, and that game really blows Vice City out of the water unfortunately.
I still enjoyed it though and would recommend it to everyone who want to experience what I regard as a piece of gaming history.

In my opinion, this is the best GTA experience ever. One of the first properly realised open world games, the graphics and gameplay may not have aged well, but the story lives up still. The shenanigans you can get into is insane, the characters have personality and the story flows well. The world feels lived in and the gameplay loop is addicting.
The music fits really really perfectly and the radio is a loaded with great tunes.
The rags to riches story of a gangster takes CJ from the hood to las vegas like riches (literally). It was the most immersive experience of its time and even now you can play San Andreas and feel like you are CJ.
I absolutely recommend it to anyone who is ready to look away from the dated graphics. It is totally worth the (very long )playtime.

At the peak of Dragon Ball Z popularity, this game swept me over. Making the previous installments obsolete and making never more mechanically intensive Dragon Ball fighting games seem clunky and cluttered, this was THE best Dragon Ball installment ever. The huge roster and the usual fun story were great to play around with. The peak combat with enough in it to make it challenging to master with emphasis on positioning and timing and character mastery without the usual fighting game crazy button combos was refreshing and helped create a couch co-op environment that everyone could enjoy.
As Dragon Ball sat right in the middle of shonen anime vibes, not too goofy nor too dark, while having both elements, so did this game in fighting games.
Maybe nostalgia is talking, but I cannot deny its my favourite fighting game to date and the easiest recommendation of the genre from me!

The first ever fighting game I ever finished, I played this before I ever watched Dragon Ball Z. And it was good, very good, a great gateway drug to one of the quintessential shonen anime series.
It was all built on great mechanics and movement in-game, not as ridiculously difficult to master as most fighting games while still emphasizing twitchy reactions and good positioning to gain the upper hand.
All the characters and story beats are there, the locations are famous Dragon Ball locations, and the super moves have that oompph to them that make landing one very satisfying.
Honestly rendered obselete by its successor, there is no reason to recommend it while budokai tenkaichi 3 exists, but I had a ton of fun playing this with my brother and I will always remember it fondly for it!

Just the best hardcore arcade racing game of its time, with many vehicles and tracks and race modifiers that made the races always feel fresh to a my less critical mind from back in the day.
The graphics maybe dont hold up too well, but the gameplay and concept is simple timeless good time stuff that I will willingly jump into with my siblings or mates.
The music in the game bears mentioning as they really set the mood and added to the tense competitive gameplay
Really fun game from its time and I would still recommend it to this day !