373 Reviews liked by Lucaszxlbr

Fear & Hunger me resulto bastante... Estresante

Ok, me gusta que no te sirva las cosas en un plato limpio, con cubiertos y de paso con aderezos para que pienses que tienes opcion de algo en el juego pero como hablare de esto en algun video futuro, Los juegos dificiles me abruman

Aun asi, en cuanto tenga suficiente valentia le metere horas y lo terminare


Só gostaria que o final fosse menos aberto, quero saber como exatamente ficou o Raiden.

Like most of this series, flawed but fun. Getting 2D and 3D versions of some series highlight stages was a lot of fun. Some great throwbacks, especially the 3D versions of old 2D stages. I also feel it learned some of the lessons from Colors and made the 3D stages even less frustrating.

Biggest issue: It honestly needed 1-2 more areas. I know the sub-levels count as content but there are effectively 18 story acts (25 if you count all bosses/rival stages). It just feels a bit undercooked content wise.

It’s otherwise a 3D Sonic game, so you’re getting super fast, fun but flawed platforming across the board. Glad I played it, all said.



Few games make me feel as powerful.

"Os gritos de dor e sofrimento são insignificantes perante a imensidão do abismo profundo eminente"

Foram com estas palavras que eu tomei Beton Brutal pra mim a primeira vez que joguei, a sensação de ter tudo aquilo que lhe foi conquistado, tirado de você a força, como se fosse uma criança indefesa sem ter a quem ou a o que se proteger é a verdadeira natureza deste jogo.

Desafiador, requer muito da coordenação motora enquanto sobe as alturas, e se tiver acrofobia, nem jogue este jogo, pois sairá dele traumático e embasbacado

Best game in the Bioshock series, with improved gameplay and a more compelling narrative. Obviously, this doesn't have that "first time WOW factor" of the original Bioshock, but that alone should not disqualify it from consideration.

I got infinity percent on this game, so needless to say its got a fun and intuitive gameplay loop. The RNG can be a pain in the ass at times though, and some characters are just insufferable to play - specifically some of the tainteds. Still a fantastic game though, one of the best and most satisfying time wasters I've ever played. If delirium wasn't shit then it'd probably be a 5 star.

A vida desse mlk é uma merda

my first zelda game, this game really truly fucking shattered me. an absolutely wonderful experience.

i dunno who said it, maybe it was demo? they said "yoko taro writes games like he doesnt want to sell copies" and thats all i can really ever think about when i remember this game. peak fiction.

Acho incrível a interatividade que você tem com o tanque e a variação de gameplay que isso causa. O jogo tem uma arte que me agradou bastante e a dificuldade dele é bem tranquila no normal, mas quem gosta de desafio, o modo Destroyer me deu bastante trabalho e foi necessário pra completar os 1000g. Mais um jogão da Inti Creates.

As one would expect, Mega Man 3 was pretty successful for Capcom, despite not being quite on the same level as the success of Mega Man 2. Nevertheless, a sequel was already being put in development shortly after, even though at this point, given how the SNES was already out, they could have just as easily ended off the NES lineup with 3 and called it a day. Instead, however, they pressed on to make yet another set of games for the system, starting off with Mega Man 4.

So, this is where a majority of people would consider this to be the start of the “lesser” NES Mega Man games. Not bad by any means, but compared what had come before, people would consider this, as well as the two games to follow, very samey, repetitive, and just not as interesting as before. Honestly, I completely understand where people are coming from when they say that… but with that being said, of course I still fucking love Mega Man 4. Would I consider it as good as Mega Man 2 or 3? No, but it is still a fantastic entry in the series, and one that no fan of the franchise should pass up.

The story is pretty much the exact same, except now changing up the characters, which is fine for me, although I don’t understand why now in the 4th entry we are getting a cutscene that details the origins of Mega Man, the graphics are the best in the series so far, even if they appear very similar to that of the previous titles, the music is awesome, no surprise there, the control is just as tight, responsive, and fun as ever, and the gameplay is also just as fun and satisfying as every other mainline entry so far.

If you somehow need a reminder of how the gameplay in Mega Man works, then you should probably see a doctor for your memory loss issues. You run through stages, jumping and shooting through many enemies, getting health and weapon supplies along the way, defeating bosses, gaining their powers, and using those powers to your advantage in other stages. Just like with the previous games, though, they do add a few new features in this game to spice things up. For starters, this is the first game in the series to give you a charge shot, which is very great to see, as it helps out with dealing with a lot of the bigger threats that you will face throughout the game. Sure, it isn’t as big or effective as future charge shots from future games, but for what we have here, it is still pretty great stuff, even if the noise it makes can make other people want to permanently clog up their ears so they can never hear it. I’ve just gotten used to the sound now.

In addition to all the new powers you get throughout the game, as well as the Rush abilities still here, there are also additional hidden powers that you can find in two of the levels, those being Balloon, which is just Item 1 from Mega Man 2, and the Wire, which is a grappling hook that allows you to get to places for extra goodies. Not only does this add replay value to the game, which is always appreciated, but the items themselves are very useful in several scenarios, so it doesn’t feel like too much stuff at once. Not much else to say about the changed gameplay, except for the introduction of Eddie, who shows up in several levels to give you an item, which you can then exploit into him giving you a free E-Tank, which is nice.

In terms of problems with the game, this goes back to something I brought up in my review of Mega Man 3: the padding. In this game, as well as the next two after this, you have to go through two separate final castles to beat the game, because the plot demands that you find out about this obvious twist that you already know going in. Granted, it’s not as annoying as it is in Mega Man 3, but padding is still padding, no matter what form it comes in, and needless to say, the game doesn’t need to be extended for this long, even if I still find it to be fun and challenging. In addition, from here on out, the Rush Jet ability gets nerfed pretty hard. In Mega Man 3, you could move about freely on Rush Jet, allowing you to get to various hard-to-reach areas with little to no trouble. Here, and in every other subsequent game to come after, you can only move up and down while moving forward constantly in the direction you are facing, which isn’t terrible by any means, but it just sucks compared to what we had before. There are also other minor things, like, y’know… Toad Man, but that other stuff doesn’t really bother me too much, and none of the problems did anything to keep me from having a great time

Overall, despite the issues that it has, this is still yet again another fantastic entry in the Mega Man series, and I would definitely recommend it not just for Mega Man fans, but anyone who wants to get into the series in general. I mean, it has the origins of Mega Man in the opening cutscene, so hey, you may as well get people started on this game instead of the first one. Probably would make for a better experience.

Game #196

9/10 - goated movement.

This game blew me away. I went in confused and lost, yet couldn't seem to put it down. Despite its nonlinear nature, I seemed to always find the right places to go and things to do. Over time, I learned the techniques and skills the game was trying to teach me because it was so rewarding every time to achieve something. At almost no point was there a hard barrier, ingenuity and perseverance can get you where you need to go. One of my favorite games of all time, despite being a random game I stumbled upon in a tweet. My only gripes are 1) the length and story, this game deserves to be fleshed out even more. It gives hints of story via dialogue and world items, but they're rare, and the ending is a letdown, 2) the unrealized potential of the combat. I didn't really focus on combat because it didn't seem important in this game, then the last enemy comes in with an absolute banger of a fight in terms of design, aesthetic, and fun. There needs to be more.

This game is about movement and exploration. That's where it shines. So focus on those things and don't get bogged down by anything else.

To preso na noite 5 do 2-3 então fui logo pro 4, e cara, me surpreendeu, de longe o melhor.

Os jumpscares são assustadores, a mecanica é bem única e extremamente angustiante, e esse jogo REALMENTE da medo, me lembra a atmosfera do FNAF 1 e como ele mexe com os sons. O quarto jogo ser focado inteiramente no som é algo muito doido e que com certeza me animou pra continuar jogando.

The best in the OG series, plus it introduces the best boy, Rush.
Just an absolute blast to play.
Some truly inspired choices were made in its level design.