Not my jam personally but can always recognize a good game I might come back to this.

It's fine if you want to waste time. The gem system sucks and is slowly and grindy the characters are too hard to get. The controls and stage are boring and one note and the roster of characters is just the same like 5 over and over again. Massive. Skip. On this one.

In my option one of the best shooters out there highly recommend this game if you have a group of fps players that want to just hang out and have fun.

The best Zelda game ever in my option and the one I always go back too.

One of the best games of all time. From likeable characters, memorable designs and great story. Truely my only issue is with kasumi/sumire's story arch as she feels forced but the base game and other new things completely make that minor fault still ok.

It was a beautiful start to a great franchise even if it has issues.

In my personal option this is the best Mario game period. From the music, levels, story and scope it's truely a mandatory Wii game.

It's good game but can get boring really fast.

One of the best ps2 games, some levels feel unfair but other then that nearly perfect.